Measuring service quality: a reexamination and extension JJ Cronin Jr, SA Taylor Journal of marketing 56 (3), 55-68, 1992 | 25653 | 1992 |
Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments JJ Cronin Jr, MK Brady, GTM Hult Journal of retailing 76 (2), 193-218, 2000 | 12329 | 2000 |
Some new thoughts on conceptualizing perceived service quality: a hierarchical approach MK Brady, JJ Cronin Jr Journal of marketing 65 (3), 34-49, 2001 | 7298 | 2001 |
SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: reconciling performance-based and perceptions-minus-expectations measurement of service quality JJ Cronin Jr, SA Taylor Journal of marketing 58 (1), 125-131, 1994 | 7298 | 1994 |
Performance-only measurement of service quality: a replication and extension MK Brady, JJ Cronin Jr, RR Brand Journal of business research 55 (1), 17-31, 2002 | 1806 | 2002 |
Customer orientation: Effects on customer service perceptions and outcome behaviors MK Brady, JJ Cronin Jr Journal of service Research 3 (3), 241-251, 2001 | 1457 | 2001 |
Against the green: A multi-method examination of the barriers to green consumption MR Gleim, JS Smith, D Andrews, JJ Cronin Jr Journal of retailing 89 (1), 44-61, 2013 | 1232 | 2013 |
Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present JJ Cronin, JS Smith, MR Gleim, E Ramirez, JD Martinez Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39, 158-174, 2011 | 1069 | 2011 |
A cross‐sectional test of the effect and conceptualization of service value JJ Cronin, MK Brady, RR Brand, R Hightower Jr, DJ Shemwell Journal of services Marketing 11 (6), 375-391, 1997 | 991 | 1997 |
Removing the contextual lens: A multinational, multi-setting comparison of service evaluation models MK Brady, GA Knight, JJ Cronin Jr, G Tomas, M Hult, BD Keillor Journal of retailing 81 (3), 215-230, 2005 | 693 | 2005 |
Modeling patient satisfaction and service quality. SA Taylor, JJ Cronin Jr Journal of health care marketing 14 (1), 1994 | 555 | 1994 |
Looking back to see forward in services marketing: some ideas to consider JJ Cronin Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 13 (5), 332-337, 2003 | 494 | 2003 |
Managing behavioral intentions in diverse cultural environments: An investigation of service quality, service value, and satisfaction for American and Ecuadorian fast-food … MK Brady, CJ Robertson, JJ Cronin Journal of International Management 7 (2), 129-149, 2001 | 471 | 2001 |
Strategies to offset performance failures: The role of brand equity MK Brady, JJ Cronin Jr, GL Fox, ML Roehm Journal of Retailing 84 (2), 151-164, 2008 | 339 | 2008 |
Relational Exchange in Services: An Empirical Investigation of OngoingCustomer Service‐provider Relationships DJ Shemwell, JJ Cronin, WR Bullard International Journal of Service Industry Management 5 (3), 57-68, 1994 | 288 | 1994 |
Corporate social responsibility in sport C Bradish, JJ Cronin Journal of sport management 23 (6), 691-697, 2009 | 273 | 2009 |
The good guys don't always win: the effect of valence on service perceptions and consequences MK Brady, CM Voorhees, JJ Cronin Jr, BL Bourdeau Journal of Services Marketing 20 (2), 83-91, 2006 | 262 | 2006 |
Recreational service quality in the international setting SA Taylor, A Sharland, JJ Cronin, W Bullard International journal of service industry management 4 (4), 68-86, 1993 | 234 | 1993 |
Do environmental sustainable practices of organic wine suppliers affect consumers’ behavioral intentions? The moderating role of trust MA Bonn, JJ Cronin Jr, M Cho Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 57 (1), 21-37, 2016 | 219 | 2016 |
Symbolic drivers of consumer–brand identification and disidentification JS Wolter, S Brach, JJ Cronin Jr, M Bonn Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 785-793, 2016 | 205 | 2016 |