Charge dynamics in molecular junctions: Nonequilibrium Green's function approach made fast S Latini, E Perfetto, AM Uimonen, R van Leeuwen, G Stefanucci
Physical Review B 89 (7), 075306, 2014
113 2014 Time-dependent quantum transport with superconducting leads: A discrete-basis Kohn-Sham formulation and propagation scheme G Stefanucci, E Perfetto, M Cini
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (11), 115446, 2010
82 2010 First-principles approach to excitons in time-resolved and angle-resolved photoemission spectra E Perfetto, D Sangalli, A Marini, G Stefanucci
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245303, 2016
78 2016 First-principles nonequilibrium Green's-function approach to transient photoabsorption: Application to atoms E Perfetto, AM Uimonen, R Van Leeuwen, G Stefanucci
Physical Review A 92 (3), 033419, 2015
70 2015 Observation of an Excitonic Mott Transition through Ultrafast Core-cum -Conduction Photoemission Spectroscopy M Dendzik, RP Xian, E Perfetto, D Sangalli, D Kutnyakhov, S Dong, ...
Physical review letters 125 (9), 096401, 2020
66 2020 Real-time observation of a correlation-driven sub 3 fs charge migration in ionised adenine EP Månsson, S Latini, F Covito, V Wanie, M Galli, E Perfetto, G Stefanucci, ...
Communications chemistry 4 (1), 73, 2021
63 2021 Time-dependent Landauer-Büttiker formula: Application to transient dynamics in graphene nanoribbons R Tuovinen, E Perfetto, G Stefanucci, R Van Leeuwen
Physical Review B 89 (8), 085131, 2014
62 2014 Nonequilibrium Bethe-Salpeter equation for transient photoabsorption spectroscopy E Perfetto, D Sangalli, A Marini, G Stefanucci
Physical Review B 92 (20), 205304, 2015
58 2015 Real-Time : Toward an Ab Initio Description of the Ultrafast Carrier and Exciton Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Materials E Perfetto, Y Pavlyukh, G Stefanucci
Physical Review Letters 128 (1), 016801, 2022
55 2022 Fast Green’s function method for ultrafast electron-boson dynamics D Karlsson, R van Leeuwen, Y Pavlyukh, E Perfetto, G Stefanucci
Physical Review Letters 127 (3), 036402, 2021
54 2021 Some exact properties of the nonequilibrium response function for transient photoabsorption E Perfetto, G Stefanucci
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033416, 2015
53 2015 Ultrafast charge migration in XUV photoexcited phenylalanine: a first-principles study based on real-time nonequilibrium Green’s functions E Perfetto, D Sangalli, A Marini, G Stefanucci
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (6), 1353-1358, 2018
47 2018 Charge Separation in Donor–C60 Complexes with Real-Time Green Functions: The Importance of Nonlocal Correlations EV Bostrom, A Mikkelsen, C Verdozzi, E Perfetto, G Stefanucci
Nano letters 18 (2), 785-792, 2018
46 2018 Dynamical Formation and Manipulation of Majorana Fermions in Driven Quantum Wires<? format?> in Contact with a Superconductor E Perfetto
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 087001, 2013
46 2013 Pump-driven normal-to-excitonic insulator transition: Josephson oscillations and signatures of BEC-BCS crossover in time-resolved ARPES E Perfetto, D Sangalli, A Marini, G Stefanucci
Physical Review Materials 3 (12), 124601, 2019
45 2019 Spin-flip scattering in time-dependent transport through a quantum dot: Enhanced spin-current and inverse tunneling magnetoresistance E Perfetto, G Stefanucci, M Cini
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (15), 155301, 2008
45 2008 CHEERS: a tool for correlated hole-electron evolution from real-time simulations E Perfetto, G Stefanucci
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (46), 465901, 2018
44 2018 Correlation-induced memory effects in transport properties of low-dimensional systems E Perfetto, G Stefanucci, M Cini
Physical review letters 105 (15), 156802, 2010
44 2010 Quantum Hall effect in carbon nanotubes and curved graphene strips E Perfetto, J González, F Guinea, S Bellucci, P Onorato
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (12), 125430, 2007
44 2007 Coulomb screening and electronic instabilities of small-diameter (5, 0) nanotubes J González, E Perfetto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (20), 205406, 2005
43 2005