Investigating technical and scale efficiencies of Australian universities through data envelopment analysis NK Avkiran Socio-economic planning sciences 35 (1), 57-80, 2001 | 1073 | 2001 |
Developing an instrument to measure customer service quality in branchbanking N Kemal Avkiran International journal of bank marketing 12 (6), 10-18, 1994 | 775 | 1994 |
The evidence on efficiency gains: The role of mergers and the benefits to the public NK Avkiran Journal of banking & finance 23 (7), 991-1013, 1999 | 653 | 1999 |
An application reference for data envelopment analysis in branch banking: helping the novice researcher NK Avkiran International journal of bank marketing 17 (5), 206-220, 1999 | 360 | 1999 |
Association of DEA super-efficiency estimates with financial ratios: Investigating the case for Chinese banks NK Avkiran Omega 39 (3), 323-334, 2011 | 352 | 2011 |
Productivity analysis in the service sector with data envelopment analysis NK Avkiran Available at SSRN 2627576, 2006 | 325 | 2006 |
Opening the black box of efficiency analysis: an illustration with UAE banks NK Avkiran Omega 37 (4), 930-941, 2009 | 271 | 2009 |
Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Recent advances in banking and finance NK Avkiran, CM Ringle Springer, 2018 | 243 | 2018 |
Quality customer service demands human contact NK Avkiran International Journal of Bank Marketing 17 (2), 61-74, 1999 | 234 | 1999 |
An illustration of dynamic network DEA in commercial banking including robustness tests NK Avkiran Omega 55, 141-150, 2015 | 221 | 2015 |
How to better identify the true managerial performance: State of the art using DEA NK Avkiran, T Rowlands Omega 36 (2), 317-324, 2008 | 219 | 2008 |
Rise of the partial least squares structural equation modeling: An application in banking NK Avkiran Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Recent advances in …, 2018 | 196 | 2018 |
An in-depth discussion and illustration of partial least squares structural equation modeling in health care NK Avkiran Health care management science 21, 401-408, 2018 | 192 | 2018 |
Rising productivity of Australian trading banks under deregulation 1986–1995 NK Avkiran Journal of Economics and Finance 24 (2), 122-140, 2000 | 187 | 2000 |
Developing foreign bank efficiency models for DEA grounded in finance theory NK Avkiran Socio-Economic planning sciences 40 (4), 275-296, 2006 | 142 | 2006 |
Measuring the impact of restructuring and country-specific factors on the efficiency of post-crisis East Asian banking systems: Integrating DEA with SFA N Thoraneenitiyan, NK Avkiran Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 43 (4), 240-252, 2009 | 136 | 2009 |
Selecting inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis by designing statistical experiments (< Special Issue> Operations Research for Performance Evaluation) H Morita, NK Avkiran Journal of the Operations Research society of Japan 52 (2), 163-173, 2009 | 125 | 2009 |
Bridging radial and non-radial measures of efficiency in DEA NK Avkiran, K Tone, M Tsutsui Annals of Operations Research 164, 127-138, 2008 | 120 | 2008 |
Benchmarking firm performance from a multiple-stakeholder perspective with an application to Chinese banking NK Avkiran, H Morita Omega 38 (6), 501-508, 2010 | 105 | 2010 |
Removing the impact of environment with units-invariant efficient frontier analysis: An illustrative case study with intertemporal panel data NK Avkiran Omega 37 (3), 535-544, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |