Representative bureaucracy: Assessing the evidence on active representation M Bradbury, JE Kellough The American Review of Public Administration 41 (2), 157-167, 2011 | 408 | 2011 |
Bureaucracy as a representative institution: Toward a reconciliation of bureaucratic government and democratic theory SC Selden, JL Brudney, JE Kellough Representative Bureaucracy, 134-154, 2016 | 404 | 2016 |
The new public personnel administration FA Nigro, LG Nigro (No Title), 1994 | 343 | 1994 |
The paradox of merit pay in the public sector: Persistence of a problematic procedure JE Kellough, H Lu Review of Public Personnel Administration 13 (2), 45-64, 1993 | 329 | 1993 |
Representative bureaucracy: Exploring the potential for active representation in local government MD Bradbury, JE Kellough Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18 (4), 697-714, 2008 | 296 | 2008 |
Pay for performance in Georgia state government: Employee perspectives on GeorgiaGain after 5 years JE Kellough, LG Nigro Review of Public Personnel Administration 22 (2), 146-166, 2002 | 272 | 2002 |
Integration in the public workplace: Determinants of minority and female employment in federal agencies. JE Kellough Public Administration Review 50 (5), 1990 | 268 | 1990 |
Ensuring employment equity: Are federal diversity programs making a difference? KC Naff, JE Kellough International Journal of Public Administration 26 (12), 1307-1336, 2003 | 251 | 2003 |
Understanding affirmative action: Politics, discrimination, and the search for justice JE Kellough (No Title), 2006 | 238 | 2006 |
Responding to a wake-up call: An examination of federal agency diversity management programs JE Kellough, KC Naff Administration & society 36 (1), 62-90, 2004 | 233 | 2004 |
The reinvention of public personnel administration: An analysis of the diffusion of personnel management reforms in the states JE Kellough, SC Selden Public administration review 63 (2), 165-176, 2003 | 229 | 2003 |
Women and minorities in federal government agencies: Examining new evidence from panel data C Cornwell, JE Kellough Public Administration Review, 265-270, 1994 | 212 | 1994 |
Volunteers in state government: Involvement, management, and benefits JL Brudney, JE Kellough Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 29 (1), 111-130, 2000 | 200 | 2000 |
Cross-agency comparisons of quit rates in the federal service: Another look at the evidence JE Kellough, W Osuna Review of Public Personnel Administration 15 (4), 58-68, 1995 | 161 | 1995 |
Dramatic reform in the public service: At-will employment and the creation of a new public workforce JE Kellough, LG Nigro Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 16 (3), 447-466, 2006 | 141 | 2006 |
Performance appraisal problems in the public sector: Examining supervisors’ perceptions YC Lin, JE Kellough Public Personnel Management 48 (2), 179-202, 2019 | 118 | 2019 |
Pay-for-performance systems in state government: Perceptions of state agency personnel managers JE Kellough, SC Selden Review of Public Personnel Administration 17 (1), 5-21, 1997 | 114 | 1997 |
Choosing public sector employment: The impact of wages on the representation of women and minorities in state bureaucracies JJ Llorens, JB Wenger, JE Kellough Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18 (3), 397-413, 2008 | 110 | 2008 |
Civil service reform in the states: Personnel policy and politics at the subnational level JE Kellough, LG Nigro suny Press, 2006 | 91 | 2006 |
The reinventing government movement: A review and critique JE Kellough Public Administration Quarterly, 6-20, 1998 | 80 | 1998 |