Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science Open Science Collaboration Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015 | 10042 | 2015 |
Increasing transparency through a multiverse analysis S Steegen, F Tuerlinckx, A Gelman, W Vanpaemel Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (5), 702-712, 2016 | 1322 | 2016 |
Estimating parameters of the diffusion model: Approaches to dealing with contaminant reaction times and parameter variability R Ratcliff, F Tuerlinckx Psychonomic bulletin & review 9 (3), 438-481, 2002 | 1032 | 2002 |
Critical slowing down as early warning for the onset and termination of depression IA van de Leemput, M Wichers, AOJ Cramer, D Borsboom, F Tuerlinckx, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 87-92, 2014 | 838 | 2014 |
What are'good'depression symptoms? Comparing the centrality of DSM and non-DSM symptoms of depression in a network analysis EI Fried, S Epskamp, RM Nesse, F Tuerlinckx, D Borsboom Journal of affective disorders 189, 314-320, 2016 | 814 | 2016 |
A network approach to psychopathology: New insights into clinical longitudinal data LF Bringmann, N Vissers, M Wichers, N Geschwind, P Kuppens, ... PloS one 8 (4), e60188, 2013 | 773 | 2013 |
Feelings change: accounting for individual differences in the temporal dynamics of affect. P Kuppens, Z Oravecz, F Tuerlinckx Journal of personality and social psychology 99 (6), 1042, 2010 | 701 | 2010 |
The relation between valence and arousal in subjective experience. P Kuppens, F Tuerlinckx, JA Russell, LF Barrett Psychological bulletin 139 (4), 917, 2013 | 676 | 2013 |
Complex affect dynamics add limited information to the prediction of psychological well-being E Dejonckheere, M Mestdagh, M Houben, I Rutten, L Sels, P Kuppens, ... Nature human behaviour 3 (5), 478-491, 2019 | 492 | 2019 |
Revealing the dynamic network structure of the Beck Depression Inventory-II LF Bringmann, LHJM Lemmens, MJH Huibers, D Borsboom, F Tuerlinckx Psychological medicine 45 (4), 747-757, 2015 | 431 | 2015 |
The estimation of item response models with the lmer function from the lme4 package in R P De Boeck, M Bakker, R Zwitser, M Nivard, A Hofman, F Tuerlinckx, ... Journal of Statistical Software 39, 1-28, 2011 | 419 | 2011 |
From loss to loneliness: The relationship between bereavement and depressive symptoms. EI Fried, C Bockting, R Arjadi, D Borsboom, M Amshoff, AOJ Cramer, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 124 (2), 256, 2015 | 408 | 2015 |
Type S error rates for classical and Bayesian single and multiple comparison procedures A Gelman, F Tuerlinckx Computational statistics 15 (3), 373-390, 2000 | 395 | 2000 |
Hierarchical diffusion models for two-choice response times. J Vandekerckhove, F Tuerlinckx, MD Lee Psychological methods 16 (1), 44, 2011 | 384 | 2011 |
A general framework and an R package for the detection of dichotomous differential item functioning D Magis, S Béland, F Tuerlinckx, P De Boeck Behavior research methods 42 (3), 847-862, 2010 | 372 | 2010 |
A nonlinear mixed model framework for item response theory. F Rijmen, F Tuerlinckx, P De Boeck, P Kuppens Psychological methods 8 (2), 185, 2003 | 339 | 2003 |
Measuring depression over time... Or not? Lack of unidimensionality and longitudinal measurement invariance in four common rating scales of depression. EI Fried, CD van Borkulo, S Epskamp, RA Schoevers, F Tuerlinckx, ... Psychological assessment 28 (11), 1354, 2016 | 333 | 2016 |
Emotion-network density in major depressive disorder ML Pe, K Kircanski, RJ Thompson, LF Bringmann, F Tuerlinckx, ... Clinical Psychological Science 3 (2), 292-300, 2015 | 324 | 2015 |
Predicting the duration of emotional experience: two experience sampling studies. P Verduyn, E Delvaux, H Van Coillie, F Tuerlinckx, I Van Mechelen Emotion 9 (1), 83, 2009 | 320 | 2009 |
Fitting the Ratcliff diffusion model to experimental data J Vandekerckhove, F Tuerlinckx Psychonomic bulletin & review 14, 1011-1026, 2007 | 284 | 2007 |