The dynamics of embolism repair in xylem: in vivo visualizations using high-resolution computed tomography CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone, B Choat, MA Matthews, KA Shackel Plant physiology 154 (3), 1088-1095, 2010 | 469 | 2010 |
Maintenance of xylem network transport capacity: a review of embolism repair in vascular plants CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone Frontiers in plant science 4, 108, 2013 | 365 | 2013 |
Variation in xylem structure and function in stems and roots of trees to 20 m depth AJ McElrone, WT Pockman, J Martínez‐Vilalta, RB Jackson New phytologist 163 (3), 507-517, 2004 | 341 | 2004 |
Influence of atmospheric and climatic change on plant–pathogen interactions DM Eastburn, AJ McElrone, DD Bilgin Plant pathology 60 (1), 54-69, 2011 | 332 | 2011 |
Measurement of vulnerability to water stress‐induced cavitation in grapevine: a comparison of four techniques applied to a long‐vesseled species B Choat, WM Drayton, C Brodersen, MA Matthews, KA Shackel, H Wada, ... Plant, Cell & Environment 33 (9), 1502-1512, 2010 | 296 | 2010 |
Outside-xylem vulnerability, not xylem embolism, controls leaf hydraulic decline during dehydration C Scoffoni, C Albuquerque, CR Brodersen, SV Townes, GP John, ... Plant physiology 173 (2), 1197-1210, 2017 | 256 | 2017 |
Sugar and abscisic acid signaling orthologs are activated at the onset of ripening in grape GA Gambetta, MA Matthews, TH Shaghasi, AJ McElrone, SD Castellarin Planta 232 (1), 219-234, 2010 | 252 | 2010 |
In Vivo Visualizations of Drought-Induced Embolism Spread in Vitis vinifera CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone, B Choat, EF Lee, KA Shackel, MA Matthews Plant physiology 161 (4), 1820-1829, 2013 | 242 | 2013 |
Water uptake and hydraulic redistribution across large woody root systems to 20 m depth TM Bleby, AJ McElrone, RB Jackson Plant, cell & environment 33 (12), 2132-2148, 2010 | 219 | 2010 |
Water uptake and transport in vascular plants AJ McElrone, B Choat, GA Gambetta, CR Brodersen Nature Education Knowledge 4 (5), 6, 2013 | 213 | 2013 |
Direct X-ray microtomography observation confirms the induction of embolism upon xylem cutting under tension JM Torres-Ruiz, S Jansen, B Choat, AJ McElrone, H Cochard, TJ Brodribb, ... Plant Physiology 167 (1), 40-43, 2015 | 211 | 2015 |
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone alter soybean diseases at SoyFACE DM Eastburn, MM Degennaro, EH Delucia, O Dermody, AJ Mcelrone Global Change Biology 16 (1), 320-330, 2010 | 206 | 2010 |
Synchrotron X‐ray microtomography of xylem embolism in Sequoia sempervirens saplings during cycles of drought and recovery B Choat, CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone New Phytologist 205 (3), 1095-1105, 2015 | 170 | 2015 |
Water uptake along the length of grapevine fine roots: developmental anatomy, tissue-specific aquaporin expression, and pathways of water transport GA Gambetta, J Fei, TL Rost, T Knipfer, MA Matthews, KA Shackel, ... Plant Physiology 163 (3), 1254-1265, 2013 | 168 | 2013 |
Functional status of xylem through time CR Brodersen, AB Roddy, JW Wason, AJ McElrone Annual review of plant biology 70 (1), 407-433, 2019 | 167 | 2019 |
Elevated CO2 reduces disease incidence and severity of a red maple fungal pathogen via changes in host physiology and leaf chemistry AJ Mcelrone, CD Reid, KA Hoye, E Hart, RB Jackson Global Change Biology 11 (10), 1828-1836, 2005 | 166 | 2005 |
The relationship between root hydraulics and scion vigour across Vitis rootstocks: what role do root aquaporins play? GA Gambetta, CM Manuck, ST Drucker, T Shaghasi, K Fort, MA Matthews, ... Journal of experimental botany 63 (18), 6445-6455, 2012 | 162 | 2012 |
Automated analysis of three‐dimensional xylem networks using high‐resolution computed tomography CR Brodersen, EF Lee, B Choat, S Jansen, RJ Phillips, KA Shackel, ... New Phytologist 191 (4), 1168-1179, 2011 | 161 | 2011 |
Mechanical failure of fine root cortical cells initiates plant hydraulic decline during drought IF Cuneo, T Knipfer, CR Brodersen, AJ McElrone Plant Physiology 172 (3), 1669-1678, 2016 | 159 | 2016 |
Interactive effects of water stress and xylem‐limited bacterial infection on the water relations of a host vine AJ McElrone, JL Sherald, IN Forseth Journal of Experimental Botany 54 (381), 419-430, 2003 | 146 | 2003 |