Thick accretion disks and supercritical luminosities B Paczynsky, PJ Wiita Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 88, no. 1-2, Aug. 1980, p. 23-31. Research …, 1980 | 1677 | 1980 |
Active galactic nuclei HR Miller, PJ Wiita Active Galactic Nuclei 30, 1988 | 673 | 1988 |
Accretion disk models for optical and ultraviolet microvariability in active galactic nuclei AV Mangalam, PJ Wiita Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 406, no. 2, p. 420-429 …, 1993 | 246 | 1993 |
Spiral shocks in accretion disks as a contributor to variability in active galactic nuclei SK Chakrabarti, PJ Wiita Astrophysical Journal-Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 411, no. 2, p. 602-609 …, 1993 | 162 | 1993 |
Periodic oscillations in the intra-day optical light curves of the blazar S5 0716+ 714 AC Gupta, AK Srivastava, PJ Wiita The Astrophysical Journal 690 (1), 216, 2008 | 158 | 2008 |
Neutrino emission by the pair, plasma, and photo processes in the Weinberg-Salam model PJ Schinder, DN Schramm, PJ Wiita, SH Margolis, DL Tubbs Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 313, Feb. 15, 1987, p …, 1987 | 132 | 1987 |
Swinging jets and the variability of active galactic nuclei PJ Wiita Astronomy & Astrophysics 259 (1), 109-117, 1992 | 124 | 1992 |
Extragalactic radio sources with hybrid morphology: implications for the Fanaroff-Riley dichotomy PJ Wiita arXiv preprint astro-ph/0009441, 2000 | 122 | 2000 |
Quasi-periodic Oscillations of∼ 15 Minutes in the Optical Light Curve of the BL Lac S5 0716+ 714 B Rani, AC Gupta, UC Joshi, S Ganesh, PJ Wiita The Astrophysical Journal Letters 719 (2), L153, 2010 | 117 | 2010 |
Wind accretion and state transitions in Cygnus X-1 DR Gies, CT Bolton, JR Thomson, W Huang, MV McSwain, RL Riddle, ... The Astrophysical Journal 583 (1), 424, 2003 | 117 | 2003 |
The origin of X-shaped radio galaxies: clues from the Z-symmetric secondary lobes PL Biermann, PJ Wiita The Astrophysical Journal 594 (2), L103, 2003 | 114* | 2003 |
A~ 4.6 h quasi-periodic oscillation in the BL Lacertae PKS 2155-304? P Lachowicz, AC Gupta, H Gaur, PJ Wiita Astronomy & Astrophysics 506 (2), L17-L20, 2009 | 109 | 2009 |
Intranight optical variability of radio-quiet and radio lobe-dominated quasars CS Stalin, R Sagar, PJ Wiita Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 350 (1), 175-188, 2004 | 107 | 2004 |
The N enrichment and supernova ejection of the runaway microquasar LS 5039 MV McSwain, DR Gies, W Huang, PJ Wiita, DW Wingert, L Kaper The Astrophysical Journal 600 (2), 927, 2004 | 104 | 2004 |
Short-term flux and colour variations in low-energy peaked blazars B Rani, AC Gupta, A Strigachev, R Bachev, PJ Wiita, E Semkov, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 404 (4), 1992-2017, 2010 | 102 | 2010 |
Optical flux and spectral variability of blazars H Gaur, AC Gupta, A Strigachev, R Bachev, E Semkov, PJ Wiita, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 425 (4), 3002-3023, 2012 | 100 | 2012 |
Multiband optical monitoring of the blazars S5 0716+ 714 and BL Lacertae CS Stalin, R Sagar, PJ Wiita, V Mohan, AK Pandey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 366 (4), 1337-1345, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
The spectral components of SS 433 DR Gies, MV McSwain, RL Riddle, Z Wang, PJ Wiita, DW Wingert The Astrophysical Journal 566 (2), 1069, 2002 | 99 | 2002 |
Nearly periodic fluctuations in the long-term x-ray light curves of the blazars AO 0235+ 164 and 1ES 2321+ 419 B Rani, PJ Wiita, AC Gupta The Astrophysical Journal 696 (2), 2170, 2009 | 97 | 2009 |
Compact steep-spectrum radio sources and unification schemes DJ Saikia, S Jeyakumar, PJ Wiita, HS Sanghera, RE Spencer Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 276 (4), 1215-1223, 1995 | 97 | 1995 |