The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in Organizations WJ Orlikowski Organization Science 3 (3), 398-427, 1992 | 7622 | 1992 |
Studying information technology in organizations: Research approaches and assumptions WJ Orlikowski, JJ Baroudi Information Systems Research 2 (1), 1-28, 1991 | 7376 | 1991 |
Using technology and constituting structures: A practice lens for studying technology in organizations WJ Orlikowski Organization Science 11 (4), 404-428, 2000 | 6927 | 2000 |
Knowing in Practice: Enacting a collective capability in distributed organizing WJ Orlikowski Organization Science 13 (4), 249-273, 2002 | 4674 | 2002 |
Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work WJ Orlikowski Organization Studies 28 (9), 1435-1448, 2007 | 4512 | 2007 |
Research commentary: Desperately seeking the "IT" in IT research—A call to theorizing the IT artifact WJ Orlikowski, CS Iacono Information Systems Research 12 (2), 121-134, 2001 | 4287 | 2001 |
Improvising organizational transformation over time: A situated change perspective WJ Orlikowski Information Systems Research 7 (1), 63-92, 1996 | 3378 | 1996 |
Sociomateriality: Challenging the Separation of Technology, Work and Organization WJ Orlikowski, SV Scott Annals of the Academy of Management 2 (1), 433-474, 2008 | 3291 | 2008 |
Technological frames: Making sense of information technology in organizations WJ Orlikowski, DC Gash ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 12 (2), 174-207, 1994 | 2835 | 1994 |
Theorizing practice and practicing theory MS Feldman, WJ Orlikowski Organization Science 22 (5), 1240-1253, 2011 | 2675 | 2011 |
CASE tools as organizational change: Investigating incremental and radical changes in systems development WJ Orlikowski MIS Quarterly 17 (3), 309-340, 1993 | 2465 | 1993 |
Genres of organizational communication: A structurational approach to studying communication and media JA Yates, WJ Orlikowski Academy of Management Review 17 (2), 299-326, 1992 | 2400 | 1992 |
Information technology and the structuring of organizations WJ Orlikowski, D Robey Information Systems Research 2 (2), 143-169, 1991 | 2207 | 1991 |
Learning from Notes: Organizational issues in groupware implementation WJ Orlikowski Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative …, 1992 | 2083 | 1992 |
Genre repertoire: The structuring of communicative practices in organizations WJ Orlikowski, JA Yates Administrative Science Quarterly, 541-574, 1994 | 2076 | 1994 |
Technology and institutions: What can research on information technology and research on organizations learn from each other? WJ Orlikowski, SR Barley MIS Quarterly, 145-165, 2001 | 1837 | 2001 |
The sociomateriality of organisational life: Considering technology in management research WJ Orlikowski Cambridge Journal of Economics 34 (1), 125-141, 2010 | 1559 | 2010 |
Windows of opportunity: Temporal patterns of technological adaptation in organizations MJ Tyre, WJ Orlikowski Organization Science 5 (1), 98-118, 1994 | 1529 | 1994 |
The autonomy paradox: The implications of mobile email devices for knowledge professionals M Mazmanian, WJ Orlikowski, JA Yates Organization Science 24 (5), 1337-1357, 2013 | 1502 | 2013 |
It's about time: Temporal structuring in organizations WJ Orlikowski, JA Yates Organization Science 13 (6), 684-700, 2002 | 1467 | 2002 |