The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies G Balabanis, A Diamantopoulos, RD Mueller, TC Melewar Journal of international business studies 32, 157-175, 2001 | 1231 | 2001 |
Defining the corporate identity construct TC Melewar, E Jenkins Corporate reputation review 5, 76-90, 2002 | 742 | 2002 |
Seven dimensions of corporate identity: A categorisation from the practitioners' perspectives TC Melewar, E Karaosmanoglu European journal of marketing 40 (7/8), 846-869, 2006 | 731 | 2006 |
Determinants of the corporate identity construct: a review of the literature TC Melewar Journal of marketing Communications 9 (4), 195-220, 2003 | 717 | 2003 |
The role of corporate identity in the higher education sector: A case study TC Melewar, S Akel Corporate communications: An international journal 10 (1), 41-57, 2005 | 569 | 2005 |
Constituents and consequences of smart customer experience in retailing SK Roy, MS Balaji, S Sadeque, B Nguyen, TC Melewar Technological Forecasting and Social Change 124, 257-270, 2017 | 477 | 2017 |
Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: An examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting P Foroudi, TC Melewar, S Gupta Journal of Business Research 67 (11), 2269-2281, 2014 | 451 | 2014 |
Measuring reputation in global markets—A comparison of reputation measures’ convergent and criterion validities M Sarstedt, P Wilczynski, TC Melewar Journal of World Business 48 (3), 329-339, 2013 | 423 | 2013 |
Brand innovation and social media: Knowledge acquisition from social media, market orientation, and the moderating role of social media strategic capability B Nguyen, X Yu, TC Melewar, J Chen Industrial Marketing Management 51, 11-25, 2015 | 393 | 2015 |
Global corporate visual identity systems: using an extended marketing mix TC Melewar, J Saunders European journal of marketing 34 (5/6), 538-550, 2000 | 379 | 2000 |
Influence of innovation capability and customer experience on reputation and loyalty P Foroudi, Z Jin, S Gupta, TC Melewar, MM Foroudi Journal of business research 69 (11), 4882-4889, 2016 | 374 | 2016 |
Using netnography research method to reveal the underlying dimensions of the customer/tourist experience A Rageh, TC Melewar, A Woodside Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 16 (2), 126-149, 2013 | 344 | 2013 |
Corporate reputation and crisis management: The threat and manageability of anti-corporatism L Tucker, TC Melewar Corporate reputation review 7 (4), 377-387, 2005 | 331 | 2005 |
Examining the effects of celebrity trust on advertising credibility, brand credibility and corporate credibility S Hussain, TC Melewar, CV Priporas, P Foroudi, C Dennis Journal of Business Research 109, 472-488, 2020 | 315* | 2020 |
The importance of impulse purchasing behaviour in the international airport environment G Crawford, TC Melewar Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 3 (1), 85-98, 2003 | 314 | 2003 |
Exploring the corporate image formation process MA Tran, B Nguyen, TC Melewar, J Bodoh Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 18 (1), 86-114, 2015 | 313 | 2015 |
Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment TC Melewar, P Foroudi, S Gupta, PJ Kitchen, MM Foroudi European Journal of Marketing 51 (3), 572-604, 2017 | 309 | 2017 |
Exploring brand identity, meaning, image, and reputation (BIMIR) in higher education: A special section J Hemsley-Brown, TC Melewar, B Nguyen, EJ Wilson Journal of Business Research 69 (8), 3019-3022, 2016 | 302 | 2016 |
The moderating influences on the relationship of corporate reputation with its antecedents and consequences: A meta-analytic review R Ali, R Lynch, TC Melewar, Z Jin Journal of Business Research 68 (5), 1105-1117, 2015 | 296 | 2015 |
The human values’ lenses of country of origin images G Balabanis, R Mueller, TC Melewar International Marketing Review 19 (6), 582-610, 2002 | 288 | 2002 |