Network analysis D Knoke, JH Kuklinski Sage Publishing, 1982 | 3430 | 1982 |
Social network analysis D Knoke, S Yang Sage, 2008 | 2876 | 2008 |
Political networks: the structural perspective D Knoke cambridge university press, 1990 | 2292 | 1990 |
The organizational state: Social choice in national policy domains EO Laumann, D Knoke Univ of Wisconsin Press, 1987 | 2152 | 1987 |
Statistics for social data analysis D Knoke, GW Bohrnstedt, AP Mee (No Title), 2002 | 1916 | 2002 |
Log-linear models D Knoke, PJ Burke Sage, 1980 | 1495 | 1980 |
Change at Work: How American Industry and Workers are Coping with Corporate Restructuring and what Workers Must Do to Take Charge L Bassi, H Katz, D Knoke, P Osterman, M Useem Oxford University Press, USA, 1997 | 1223* | 1997 |
Strategic alliances and models of collaboration E Todeva, D Knoke Management decision 43 (1), 123-148, 2005 | 1163 | 2005 |
Comparing policy networks: labor politics in the US, Germany, and Japan D Knoke Cambridge University Press, 1996 | 896 | 1996 |
Organizing for collective action: The political economies of associations D Knoke Routledge, 2019 | 778 | 2019 |
Organizations in America: Analysing their structures and human resource practices AL Kalleberg Sage, 1996 | 666 | 1996 |
Prominence D Knoke, RS Burt Applied network analysis, 195-222, 1983 | 646 | 1983 |
Incentives in collective action organizations D Knoke American sociological review, 311-329, 1988 | 526 | 1988 |
Networks of political action: Toward theory construction D Knoke Social forces 68 (4), 1041-1063, 1990 | 518 | 1990 |
How organizational field networks shape interorganizational tie-formation rates P Kenis, D Knoke Academy of management review 27 (2), 275-293, 2002 | 512 | 2002 |
Job training in US organizations D Knoke, AL Kalleberg American sociological review, 537-546, 1994 | 476 | 1994 |
Associations and interest groups D Knoke Annual review of sociology 12 (1), 1-21, 1986 | 434 | 1986 |
Individual motives and organizational incentive systems D Knoke, C Wright-Isak Research in the Sociology of Organizations 1, 209-254, 1982 | 425 | 1982 |
Networks of elite structure and decision making D Knoke Sociological methods & research 22 (1), 23-45, 1993 | 415 | 1993 |
Social network analysis D Knoke, S Yang SAGE publications, 2019 | 392 | 2019 |