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Lithospheric structure beneath the Alboran Basin: Results from 3D gravity modeling and tectonic relevance M Torné, M Fernandez, MC Comas, JI Soto Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B2), 3209-3228, 2000 | 217 | 2000 |
Active faulting offshore SE Spain (Alboran Sea): Implications for earthquake hazard assessment in the Southern Iberian Margin E Gràcia, R Pallàs, JI Soto, M Comas, X Moreno, E Masana, P Santanach, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (3-4), 734-749, 2006 | 193 | 2006 |
Well log interpretation and seismic character of the Cenozoic sequence in the northern Alboran Sea MJ Jurado, MC Comas Geo-Marine Letters 12, 129-136, 1992 | 123 | 1992 |
Strike‐slip tectonics and basin inversion in the Western Mediterranean: The Post‐Messinian evolution of the Alboran Sea P Martínez‐García, M Comas, JI Soto, L Lonergan, AB Watts Basin Research 25 (4), 361-387, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
Heat flow in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean BG Polyak, M Fernàndez, MD Khutorskoy, JI Soto, IA Basov, MC Comas, ... Tectonophysics 263 (1-4), 191-218, 1996 | 118 | 1996 |
Seismic structure of the northern continental margin of Spain from ESCIN deep seismic profiles J Alvarez-Marrón, A Pérez-Estaún, JJ Danñobeitia, JA Pulgar, ... Tectonophysics 264 (1-4), 153-174, 1996 | 116 | 1996 |
Recent structures in the Alboran Ridge and Yusuf fault zones based on swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiling: evidence of active tectonics P Martínez-García, JI Soto, M Comas Geo-Marine Letters 31, 19-36, 2011 | 109 | 2011 |
The Mediterranean area and the surrounding regions: active processes, remnants of former Tethyan oceans and related thrust belts W Cavazza, F Roure, PA Ziegler The TRANSMED Atlas. The Mediterranean Region from Crust to Mantle …, 2004 | 100 | 2004 |
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Mud volcanoes in the Alboran Sea: evidence from micropaleontological and geophysical data A Sautkin, AR Talukder, MC Comas, JI Soto, A Alekseev Marine Geology 195 (1-4), 237-261, 2003 | 78 | 2003 |
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preliminary results of the ESCI-Alborán survey MC Comas, JJ Dañobeitia, J Alvarez-Marrón, JI Soto Rev. Soc. Geol. España 8, 4, 1995 | 71 | 1995 |
La Cordillera Bética JA Vera, M García-Hernández, AC López Garrido, MJ Comas, ... El Cretácico de España, 515-631, 1982 | 68 | 1982 |
Clues for a Tortonian reconstruction of the Gibraltar Arc: Structural pattern, deformation diachronism and block rotations A Crespo-Blanc, M Comas, JC Balanyá Tectonophysics 683, 308-324, 2016 | 67 | 2016 |
Pliocene to Recent mud diapirism and related mud volcanoes in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) AR Talukder, MC Comas, JI Soto | 58 | 2003 |
Planktonic δ18O records at Sites 976 and 977, Alboran Sea: stratigraphy, forcing, and paleoceanographic implications R von Grafenstein, R Zahn, R Tiedemann, A Murat, MC Comas, A Klaus Proceedings ODP, Scientific Results, edited by: Zahn, R., Comas, MC, and …, 1999 | 56 | 1999 |
From extension to shortening: Tectonic inversion distributed in time and space in the Alboran sea, western Mediterranean P Martínez‐García, M Comas, L Lonergan, AB Watts Tectonics 36 (12), 2777-2805, 2017 | 54 | 2017 |
Geology and geophysics of the Alboran Sea: An introduction A Maldonado, MC Comas Geo-Marine Letters 12, 61-65, 1992 | 45 | 1992 |
Growth and demise of cold-water coral ecosystems on mud volcanoes in the West Alboran Sea: the messages from the planktonic and benthic foraminifera S Margreth, G Gennari, A Rüggeberg, MC Comas, LM Pinheiro, ... Marine Geology 282 (1-2), 26-39, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |