Disclosure as a Strategy in the Patent Race S Baker, C Mezzetti The Journal of Law and Economics 48 (1), 173-194, 2005 | 198 | 2005 |
Prosecutorial resources, plea bargaining, and the decision to go to trial S Baker, C Mezzetti Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 17 (1), 149-167, 2001 | 176 | 2001 |
Strategic disclosure in the patent system D Lichtman, S Baker, K Kraus Vand. L. Rev. 53, 2175, 2000 | 167 | 2000 |
A theory of rational jurisprudence S Baker, C Mezzetti Journal of Political Economy 120 (3), 513-551, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
Incomplete contracts in a complete contract world S Baker, KD Krawiec Fla. St. UL Rev. 33, 725, 2005 | 90 | 2005 |
The penalty default canon S Baker, KD Krawiec Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 72, 663, 2003 | 78 | 2003 |
Contract's role in relational contract S Baker, A Choi Va. L. Rev. 101, 559, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
The Economics of Limited Liability: An Empirical Study of New York Law Firms S Baker, KD Krawiec U. Ill. L. Rev., 107, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
Should we pay federal circuit judges more S Baker BUL Rev. 88, 63, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
A risk-based approach to mandatory arbitration S Baker Or. L. Rev. 83, 861, 2004 | 44 | 2004 |
Fall from grace or business as usual? A retrospective look at lawyers on Wall Street and Main Street JM Conley, S Baker Law & Social Inquiry 30 (4), 783-821, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
Deterrence, lawsuits, and litigation outcomes under court errors CM Landeo, M Nikitin, S Baker The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 23 (1), 57-97, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
The rat race as an information-forcing device S Baker, SJ Choi, M Gulati Ind. LJ 81, 53, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
Reputation and litigation: Why costly legal sanctions can work better than reputational sanctions S Baker, AH Choi The Journal of Legal Studies 47 (1), 45-82, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Harmful, harmless, and beneficial uncertainty in law S Baker, A Raskolnikov The Journal of Legal Studies 46 (2), 281-307, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Appellate lawmaking in a judicial hierarchy AB Badawi, S Baker The Journal of Law and Economics 58 (1), 139-172, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
A Dynamic Model of Doctrinal Choice S Baker, PT Kim Journal of Legal Analysis 4 (2), 329-363, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
The continuing search for a meaningful model of judicial rankings and why it (unfortunately) matters S Baker, A Feibelman, WP Marshall Duke LJ 58, 1645, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Can the courts rescue us from the patent crisis S Baker Tex. L. Rev. 88, 593, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
Defining Otherwise Qualified Applicants: Applying an Antitrust Relevant-Market Analysis to Disparate Impact Cases S Baker U. Chi. L. Rev. 67, 725, 2000 | 11 | 2000 |