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67 2007 A new full-Newton step O (n ) infeasible interior-point algorithm for semidefinite optimization H Mansouri, C Roos
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59 2009 A full-Newton step O (n) infeasible-interior-point algorithm for linear complementarity problems H Mansouri, M Zangiabadi, M Pirhaji
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (1), 545-561, 2011
56 2011 Polynomial interior-point algorithm for P* horizontal linear complementarity problems S Asadi, H Mansouri
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54 2013 A polynomial interior-point algorithm for monotone linear complementarity problems H Mansouri, M Pirhaji
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40 2013 Improved Full-Newton Step O (nL ) Infeasible Interior-Point Method for Linear Optimization G Gu, H Mansouri, M Zangiabadi, YQ Bai, C Roos
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27 2010 An infeasible full-NT step IPM for horizontal linear complementarity problem over Cartesian product of symmetric cones S Asadi, H Mansouri, Z Darvay
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22 2017 Full-Newton step interior-point methods for conic optimization H Mansouri
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21 2008 On the P* (κ) horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones S Asadi, H Mansouri, Z Darvay, M Zangiabadi
Optimization Methods and Software 31 (2), 233-257, 2016
20 2016 Primal–dual interior-point method for linear optimization based on a kernel function with trigonometric growth term S Fathi-Hafshejani, H Mansouri, M Reza Peyghami, S Chen
Optimization 67 (10), 1605-1630, 2018
19 2018 A long-step interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone Cartesian P * (κ)-HLCP S Asadi, H Mansouri, G Lesaja, M Zangiabadi
Optimization 67 (11), 2031-2060, 2018
16 2018 A large-update primal–dual interior-point algorithm for second-order cone optimization based on a new proximity function S Fathi-Hafshejani, H Mansouri, MR Peyghami
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14 2016 An adaptive infeasible interior-point algorithm with full-Newton step for linear optimization H Mansouri, M Zangiabadi
Optimization 62 (2), 285-297, 2013
13 2013 A path-following infeasible interior-point algorithm for semidefinite programming H Mansouri, T Siyavash, M Zangiabadi
Iranian Journal of Operations Research 3 (1), 11-30, 2012
13 2012 A modified infeasible-interior-point algorithm for linear optimization problems H Mansouri, M Zangiabadi, M Arzani
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 166, 605-618, 2015
12 2015 A New Full-Newton Step O (n) Infeasible Interior-Point Algorithm for P*(k)-horizontal Linear Complementarity Problems S Asadi, H Mansouri
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Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization 9 (2), 2019
10 2019 A full-newton step infeasible-interior-point algorithm for P (κ)-Horizontal linear complementarity problems S Asadi
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10 * 2016 An infeasible interior-point algorithm with full-Newton steps for horizontal linear complementarity problems based on a kernel function S Asadi, M Zangiabadi, H Mansouri
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 50, 15-37, 2016
10 2016 Large-neighborhood infeasible predictor–corrector algorithm for horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones S Asadi, H Mansouri, Z Darvay, M Zangiabadi, N Mahdavi-Amiri
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 180, 811-829, 2019
9 2019