Norepinephrine ignites local hotspots of neuronal excitation: How arousal amplifies selectivity in perception and memory M Mather, D Clewett, M Sakaki, CW Harley Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39, e200, 2016 | 691 | 2016 |
Design and evolution of modular neural network architectures BLM Happel, JMJ Murre Neural networks 7 (6-7), 985-1004, 1994 | 421 | 1994 |
SLAM: A connectionist model for attention in visual selection tasks RH Phaf, AHC Van der Heijden, PTW Hudson Cognitive psychology 22 (3), 273-341, 1990 | 421 | 1990 |
Approach, avoidance, and affect: a meta-analysis of approach-avoidance tendencies in manual reaction time tasks RH Phaf, SE Mohr, M Rotteveel, JM Wicherts Frontiers in psychology 5, 378, 2014 | 376 | 2014 |
Automatic affective evaluation does not automatically predispose for arm flexion and extension. M Rotteveel, RH Phaf Emotion 4 (2), 156, 2004 | 331 | 2004 |
The automaticity of emotional Stroop: A meta-analysis RH Phaf, KJ Kan Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 38 (2), 184-199, 2007 | 313 | 2007 |
Dependence of explicit and implicit memory on hypnotic state in trauma patients. GH Lubke, C Kerssens, RH Phaf, PS Sebel Anesthesiology 90 (3), 670-680, 1999 | 255 | 1999 |
Stronger suboptimal than optimal affective priming? M Rotteveel, P De Groot, A Geutskens, RH Phaf Emotion 1 (4), 348, 2001 | 221 | 2001 |
Learning and categorization in modular neural networks JMJ Murre Psychology Press, 2014 | 168 | 2014 |
CALM: Categorizing and learning module JMJ Murre, RH Phaf, G Wolters Neural Networks 5 (1), 55-82, 1992 | 167 | 1992 |
Affective modulation of recognition bias. RH Phaf, M Rotteveel Emotion 5 (3), 309, 2005 | 133 | 2005 |
Directed forgetting between, but not within, dissociative personality states. BM Elzinga, RH Phaf, AM Ardon, R van Dyck Journal of abnormal Psychology 112 (2), 237, 2003 | 109 | 2003 |
Implicit memory for words presented during anaesthesia M Jelicic, B Bonke, G Wolters, RH Phaf European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 4 (1), 71-80, 1992 | 95 | 1992 |
Neurophysiological correlates of increased verbal working memory in high-dissociative participants: A functional MRI study DJ Veltman, MB De Ruiter, SARB Rombouts, RHC Lazeron, F Barkhof, ... Psychological medicine 35 (2), 175-185, 2005 | 88 | 2005 |
Dissociative style and directed forgetting BM Elzinga, E de Beurs, JA Sergeant, R Van Dyck, RH Phaf Cognitive Therapy and Research 24, 279-295, 2000 | 88 | 2000 |
Dissociative style and individual differences in verbal working memory span MB de Ruiter, RH Phaf, BM Elzinga, R van Dyck Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4), 821-828, 2004 | 83 | 2004 |
Unconscious perception during general anaesthesia, demonstrated by an implicit memory task V Roorda-Hrdlickova, G Wolters, B Bonke, RH Phaf Memory and awareness in anaesthesia, 150-155, 1990 | 73 | 1990 |
Mere exposure in reverse: Mood and motion modulate memory bias M Rotteveel, RH Phaf Cognition and Emotion 21 (6), 1323-1346, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
A constructivist and connectionist view on conscious and nonconscious processes RH Phaf, G Wolters Philosophical Psychology 10 (3), 287-307, 1997 | 71 | 1997 |
Attention as a characteristic of nonclinical dissociation: an event-related potential study MB de Ruiter, RH Phaf, DJ Veltman, A Kok, R van Dyck NeuroImage 19 (2), 376-390, 2003 | 69 | 2003 |