Distributed leadership JP Spillane The educational forum 69 (2), 143-150, 2005 | 7063 | 2005 |
Towards a theory of leadership practice: A distributed perspective JP Spillane, R Halverson, JB Diamond Journal of curriculum studies 36 (1), 3-34, 2004 | 3919 | 2004 |
Investigating school leadership practice: A distributed perspective JP Spillane, R Halverson, JB Diamond Educational researcher 30 (3), 23-28, 2001 | 3400 | 2001 |
Policy implementation and cognition: Reframing and refocusing implementation research JP Spillane, BJ Reiser, T Reimer Review of educational research 72 (3), 387-431, 2002 | 3310 | 2002 |
Distributed leadership through the looking glass A Harris, J Spillane Management in education 22 (1), 31-34, 2008 | 1376 | 2008 |
Distributed leadership in practice JP Spillane, JB Diamond Teachers College Press, 2007 | 1050 | 2007 |
External reform initiatives and teachers' efforts to reconstruct their practice: The mediating role of teachers' zones of enactment JP Spillane Journal of curriculum Studies 31 (2), 143-175, 1999 | 1027 | 1999 |
Standards deviation: How schools misunderstand education policy JP Spillane Harvard University Press, 2009 | 955 | 2009 |
Teachers' expectations and sense of responsibility for student learning: The importance of race, class, and organizational habitus JB Diamond, A Randolph, JP Spillane Anthropology & education quarterly 35 (1), 75-98, 2004 | 863 | 2004 |
Chapter 1: Policy and practice: The relations between governance and instruction DK Cohen, JP Spillane Review of research in education 18 (1), 3-49, 1992 | 834 | 1992 |
High-Stakes Accountability in Urban Elementary Schools: Challenging or Reproducing Inequality?1 JB Diamond, JP Spillane Teachers college record 106 (6), 1145-1176, 2004 | 779 | 2004 |
Reconstructing conceptions of local capacity: The local education agency’s capacity for ambitious instructional reform JP Spillane, CL Thompson Educational evaluation and policy analysis 19 (2), 185-203, 1997 | 767 | 1997 |
Cognition and policy implementation: District policymakers and the reform of mathematics education JP Spillane Cognition and instruction 18 (2), 141-179, 2000 | 715 | 2000 |
Reform and teaching: Exploring patterns of practice in the context of national and state mathematics reforms JP Spillane, JS Zeuli Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 21 (1), 1-27, 1999 | 655 | 1999 |
Managing in the middle: School leaders and the enactment of accountability policy JP Spillane, JB Diamond, P Burch, T Hallett, L Jita, J Zoltners Educational policy 16 (5), 731-762, 2002 | 594 | 2002 |
Organizational routines as coupling mechanisms: Policy, school administration, and the technical core JP Spillane, LM Parise, JZ Sherer American educational research journal 48 (3), 586-619, 2011 | 575 | 2011 |
Taking a distributed perspective to the school principal's workday JP Spillane, EM Camburn, A Stitziel Pareja Leadership and policy in schools 6 (1), 103-125, 2007 | 551 | 2007 |
Data in practice: Conceptualizing the data-based decision-making phenomena JP Spillane American Journal of Education 118 (2), 113-141, 2012 | 532 | 2012 |
State policy and the non-monolithic nature of the local school district: Organizational and professional considerations JP Spillane American educational research journal 35 (1), 33-63, 1998 | 505 | 1998 |
Teacher learning and instructional change: How formal and on-the-job learning opportunities predict change in elementary school teachers' practice LM Parise, JP Spillane The elementary school journal 110 (3), 323-346, 2010 | 500 | 2010 |