Rhema Bjorkland
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Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots
RL Lewison, LB Crowder, BP Wallace, JE Moore, T Cox, R Zydelis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (14), 5271-5276, 2014
Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch
BP Wallace, RL Lewison, SL McDonald, RK McDonald, CY Kot, S Kelez, ...
Conservation letters 3 (3), 131-142, 2010
An interview-based approach to assess marine mammal and sea turtle captures in artisanal fisheries
JE Moore, TM Cox, RL Lewison, AJ Read, R Bjorkland, SL McDonald, ...
Biological Conservation 143 (3), 795-805, 2010
The impacts of fisheries on marine ecosystems and the transition to ecosystem-based management
LB Crowder, EL Hazen, N Avissar, R Bjorkland, C Latanich, MB Ogburn
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 39 (1), 259-278, 2008
Using open robust design models to estimate temporary emigration from capture—recapture data
WL Kendall, R Bjorkland
Biometrics 57 (4), 1113-1122, 2001
Characterizing fishing effort and spatial extent of coastal fisheries
KR Stewart, RL Lewison, DC Dunn, RH Bjorkland, S Kelez, PN Halpin, ...
PloS one 5 (12), e14451, 2010
Eighteen years of saturation tagging data reveal a significant increase in nesting hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) on Long Island, Antigua
JI Richardson, DB Hall, PA Mason, KM Andrews, R Bjorkland, Y Cai, ...
Animal Conservation 9 (3), 302-307, 2006
A regional analysis of coastal and domestic fishing effort in the wider Caribbean
DC Dunn, K Stewart, RH Bjorkland, M Haughton, S Singh-Renton, ...
Fisheries Research 102 (1-2), 60-68, 2010
Increasing evidence indicates low bioaccumulation of carbon nanotubes
R Bjorkland, DA Tobias, EJ Petersen
Environmental Science: Nano 4 (4), 747-766, 2017
Statistical power and sea turtle nesting beach surveys: How long and when?
M Sims, R Bjorkland, P Mason, LB Crowder
Biological Conservation 141 (12), 2921-2931, 2008
Survival and reproduction of repatriated Jamaican iguanas
BS Wilson, AC Alberts, KS Graham, RD Hudson, RK Bjorkland, DS Lewis, ...
Iguanas: biology and conservation, 220-231, 2004
Stable isotope mixing models elucidate sex and size effects on the diet of a generalist marine predator
SF Pearson, SJ Jeffries, MM Lance, A Acevedo-Gutiérrez, EJ Ward
Marine Ecology Progress Series 526, 213-225, 2015
The European marine strategy: contribution and challenges from a Portuguese perspective
CF Santos, ZG Teixeira, J Janeiro, RS Gonçalves, R Bjorkland, M Orbach
Marine Policy 36 (5), 963-968, 2012
Sustainable riparian zones-A management guide
D Arizpe, A Mendes, JE Rabaça
Generalitat Valenciana, España, 2008
Evaluation of bioaccumulation of nanoplastics, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, and graphene family materials
E Petersen, AC Barrios, R Bjorkland, DG Goodwin Jr, J Li, G Waissi, ...
Environment International 173, 107650, 2023
An assessment of sea turtle, marine mammal and seabird bycatch in the wider Caribbean region
RH Bjorkland
Duke University, 2011
Estimating the Annual Size of Hawksbill(Eretmochelys imbricata) Nesting Populations from Mark-Recapture Studies: the Use of Long-Term Data to Provide Statistics for Optimizing …
R Kerr, JI Richardson, TH Richardson
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3 (2), 251-256, 1999
Fifteen years of nanoEHS research advances science and fosters a vibrant community
LE Friedersdorf, R Bjorkland, RD Klaper, CM Sayes, MR Wiesner
Nature nanotechnology 14 (11), 996-998, 2019
Spatiotemporal patterns of rockfish bycatch in US west coast groundfish fisheries: opportunities for reducing incidental catch of depleted species
R Bjorkland, DC Dunn, M McClure, J Jannot, MA Bellman, M Gleason, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (12), 1835-1846, 2015
LB, 2010
BP Wallace, RL Lewison, SL McDonald, RK McDonald, CY Kot, S Kelez, ...
Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch. Conservation Letters 3, 131-142, 0
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