Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots RL Lewison, LB Crowder, BP Wallace, JE Moore, T Cox, R Zydelis, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (14), 5271-5276, 2014 | 542 | 2014 |
Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch BP Wallace, RL Lewison, SL McDonald, RK McDonald, CY Kot, S Kelez, ... Conservation letters 3 (3), 131-142, 2010 | 442 | 2010 |
An interview-based approach to assess marine mammal and sea turtle captures in artisanal fisheries JE Moore, TM Cox, RL Lewison, AJ Read, R Bjorkland, SL McDonald, ... Biological Conservation 143 (3), 795-805, 2010 | 312 | 2010 |
The impacts of fisheries on marine ecosystems and the transition to ecosystem-based management LB Crowder, EL Hazen, N Avissar, R Bjorkland, C Latanich, MB Ogburn Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 39 (1), 259-278, 2008 | 254 | 2008 |
Using open robust design models to estimate temporary emigration from capture—recapture data WL Kendall, R Bjorkland Biometrics 57 (4), 1113-1122, 2001 | 244 | 2001 |
Characterizing fishing effort and spatial extent of coastal fisheries KR Stewart, RL Lewison, DC Dunn, RH Bjorkland, S Kelez, PN Halpin, ... PloS one 5 (12), e14451, 2010 | 207 | 2010 |
Eighteen years of saturation tagging data reveal a significant increase in nesting hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) on Long Island, Antigua JI Richardson, DB Hall, PA Mason, KM Andrews, R Bjorkland, Y Cai, ... Animal Conservation 9 (3), 302-307, 2006 | 92 | 2006 |
A regional analysis of coastal and domestic fishing effort in the wider Caribbean DC Dunn, K Stewart, RH Bjorkland, M Haughton, S Singh-Renton, ... Fisheries Research 102 (1-2), 60-68, 2010 | 80 | 2010 |
Increasing evidence indicates low bioaccumulation of carbon nanotubes R Bjorkland, DA Tobias, EJ Petersen Environmental Science: Nano 4 (4), 747-766, 2017 | 63 | 2017 |
Statistical power and sea turtle nesting beach surveys: How long and when? M Sims, R Bjorkland, P Mason, LB Crowder Biological Conservation 141 (12), 2921-2931, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |
Survival and reproduction of repatriated Jamaican iguanas BS Wilson, AC Alberts, KS Graham, RD Hudson, RK Bjorkland, DS Lewis, ... Iguanas: biology and conservation, 220-231, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
Stable isotope mixing models elucidate sex and size effects on the diet of a generalist marine predator SF Pearson, SJ Jeffries, MM Lance, A Acevedo-Gutiérrez, EJ Ward Marine Ecology Progress Series 526, 213-225, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
The European marine strategy: contribution and challenges from a Portuguese perspective CF Santos, ZG Teixeira, J Janeiro, RS Gonçalves, R Bjorkland, M Orbach Marine Policy 36 (5), 963-968, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Sustainable riparian zones-A management guide D Arizpe, A Mendes, JE Rabaça Generalitat Valenciana, España, 2008 | 26 | 2008 |
Evaluation of bioaccumulation of nanoplastics, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, and graphene family materials E Petersen, AC Barrios, R Bjorkland, DG Goodwin Jr, J Li, G Waissi, ... Environment International 173, 107650, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
An assessment of sea turtle, marine mammal and seabird bycatch in the wider Caribbean region RH Bjorkland Duke University, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Estimating the Annual Size of Hawksbill(Eretmochelys imbricata) Nesting Populations from Mark-Recapture Studies: the Use of Long-Term Data to Provide Statistics for Optimizing … R Kerr, JI Richardson, TH Richardson Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3 (2), 251-256, 1999 | 17 | 1999 |
Fifteen years of nanoEHS research advances science and fosters a vibrant community LE Friedersdorf, R Bjorkland, RD Klaper, CM Sayes, MR Wiesner Nature nanotechnology 14 (11), 996-998, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Spatiotemporal patterns of rockfish bycatch in US west coast groundfish fisheries: opportunities for reducing incidental catch of depleted species R Bjorkland, DC Dunn, M McClure, J Jannot, MA Bellman, M Gleason, ... Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (12), 1835-1846, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
LB, 2010 BP Wallace, RL Lewison, SL McDonald, RK McDonald, CY Kot, S Kelez, ... Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch. Conservation Letters 3, 131-142, 0 | 16 | |