Differences between entrepreneurs and managers in large organizations: Biases and heuristics in strategic decision-making LW Busenitz, JB Barney Journal of business venturing 12 (1), 9-30, 1997 | 4380 | 1997 |
The entrepreneurship of resource-based theory SA Alvarez, LW Busenitz Journal of management 27 (6), 755-775, 2001 | 3912 | 2001 |
Country institutional profiles: Unlocking entrepreneurial phenomena LW Busenitz, C Gomez, JW Spencer Academy of Management journal 43 (5), 994-1003, 2000 | 2182 | 2000 |
Toward a theory of entrepreneurial cognition: Rethinking the people side of entrepreneurship research RK Mitchell, L Busenitz, T Lant, PP McDougall, EA Morse, JB Smith Entrepreneurship theory and practice 27 (2), 93-104, 2002 | 2108 | 2002 |
Entrepreneurship research in emergence: Past trends and future directions LW Busenitz, GP West III, D Shepherd, T Nelson, GN Chandler, ... Journal of management 29 (3), 285-308, 2003 | 1753 | 2003 |
Entrepreneurial alertness in the pursuit of new opportunities J Tang, KMM Kacmar, L Busenitz Journal of business venturing 27 (1), 77-94, 2012 | 1398 | 2012 |
The central question in entrepreneurial cognition research 2007 RK Mitchell, LW Busenitz, B Bird, C Marie Gaglio, JS McMullen, EA Morse, ... Entrepreneurship theory and practice 31 (1), 1-27, 2007 | 1264 | 2007 |
A cross-cultural cognitive model of new venture creation LW Busenitz, CM Lau Entrepreneurship theory and practice 20 (4), 25-40, 1996 | 1162 | 1996 |
New venture teams: A review of the literature and roadmap for future research AC Klotz, KM Hmieleski, BH Bradley, LW Busenitz Journal of management 40 (1), 226-255, 2014 | 915 | 2014 |
A review and road map of entrepreneurial equity financing research: Venture capital, corporate venture capital, angel investment, crowdfunding, and accelerators W Drover, L Busenitz, S Matusik, D Townsend, A Anglin, G Dushnitsky Journal of management 43 (6), 1820-1853, 2017 | 899 | 2017 |
Entrepreneurial risk and strategic decision making: It’sa matter of perspective LW Busenitz The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 35 (3), 325-340, 1999 | 803 | 1999 |
The boundaries and limitations of agency theory and stewardship theory in the venture capitalist/entrepreneur relationship JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 28 (2), 145-162, 2003 | 653 | 2003 |
Signaling in venture capitalist—New venture team funding decisions: Does it indicate long–term venture outcomes? LW Busenitz, JO Fiet, DD Moesel Entrepreneurship theory and practice 29 (1), 1-12, 2005 | 573 | 2005 |
Research on entrepreneurial alertness LW Busenitz Journal of Small Business Management 34 (4), 35, 1996 | 548 | 1996 |
Managerial agents watching other agents: Multiple agency conflicts regarding underpricing in IPO firms JD Arthurs, RE Hoskisson, LW Busenitz, RA Johnson Academy of Management Journal 51 (2), 277-294, 2008 | 541 | 2008 |
To start or not to start: Outcome and ability expectations in the decision to start a new venture DM Townsend, LW Busenitz, JD Arthurs Journal of business venturing 25 (2), 192-202, 2010 | 536 | 2010 |
Dynamic capabilities and venture performance: The effects of venture capitalists JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz Journal of business venturing 21 (2), 195-215, 2006 | 536 | 2006 |
Entrepreneurial growth through privatization: The upside of management buyouts M Wright, RE Hoskisson, LW Busenitz, J Dial Academy of Management Review 25 (3), 591-601, 2000 | 485 | 2000 |
The distinctive and inclusive domain of entrepreneurial cognition research RK Mitchell, L Busenitz, T Lant, PP McDougall, EA Morse, JB Smith Entrepreneurship theory and practice 28 (6), 505-518, 2004 | 401 | 2004 |
Reconsidering the venture capitalists'“value added” proposition: An interorganizational learning perspective LW Busenitz, JO Fiet, DD Moesel Journal of Business Venturing 19 (6), 787-807, 2004 | 366 | 2004 |