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The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni M Berriman, BJ Haas, PT LoVerde, RA Wilson, GP Dillon, GC Cerqueira, ... Nature 460 (7253), 352-358, 2009 | 1225 | 2009 |
TriTrypDB: a functional genomic resource for the Trypanosomatidae M Aslett, C Aurrecoechea, M Berriman, J Brestelli, BP Brunk, M Carrington, ... Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_1), D457-D462, 2010 | 1076 | 2010 |
Comparative genomic analysis of three Leishmania species that cause diverse human disease CS Peacock, K Seeger, D Harris, L Murphy, JC Ruiz, MA Quail, N Peters, ... Nature genetics 39 (7), 839-847, 2007 | 982 | 2007 |
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The genomes of four tapeworm species reveal adaptations to parasitism IJ Tsai, M Zarowiecki, N Holroyd, A Garciarrubio, A Sanchez-Flores, ... Nature 496 (7443), 57-63, 2013 | 782 | 2013 |
The gene ontology project in 2008 Gene Ontology Consortium Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D440-D444, 2008 | 652 | 2008 |
A Systematically Improved High Quality Genome and Transcriptome of the Human Blood Fluke Schistosoma mansoni AV Protasio, IJ Tsai, A Babbage, S Nichol, M Hunt, MA Aslett, N De Silva, ... PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6 (1), e1455, 2012 | 491 | 2012 |
The genome of the simian and human malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi A Pain, U Böhme, AE Berry, K Mungall, RD Finn, AP Jackson, T Mourier, ... Nature 455 (7214), 799-803, 2008 | 491 | 2008 |
The Gene Ontology in 2010: extensions and refinements Gene Ontology Consortium Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_1), D331-D335, 2010 | 486 | 2010 |
Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva A Pain, H Renauld, M Berriman, L Murphy, CA Yeats, W Weir, ... Science 309 (5731), 131-133, 2005 | 379 | 2005 |
Genomic-scale prioritization of drug targets: the TDR Targets database F Agüero, B Al-Lazikani, M Aslett, M Berriman, FS Buckner, RK Campbell, ... Nature reviews Drug discovery 7 (11), 900-907, 2008 | 373 | 2008 |
PomBase: a comprehensive online resource for fission yeast V Wood, MA Harris, MD McDowall, K Rutherford, BW Vaughan, ... Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D695-D699, 2012 | 364 | 2012 |
GeneDB—an annotation database for pathogens FJ Logan-Klumpler, N De Silva, U Boehme, MB Rogers, G Velarde, ... Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D98-D108, 2012 | 286 | 2012 |
GeneDB: a resource for prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms C Hertz‐Fowler, CS Peacock, V Wood, M Aslett, A Kerhornou, P Mooney, ... Nucleic acids research 32 (suppl_1), D339-D343, 2004 | 285 | 2004 |
Comparative genomics of the fungal pathogens Candida dubliniensis and Candida albicans AP Jackson, JA Gamble, T Yeomans, GP Moran, D Saunders, D Harris, ... Genome research 19 (12), 2231-2244, 2009 | 271 | 2009 |
Genome Sequence of the Tsetse Fly (Glossina morsitans): Vector of African Trypanosomiasis International Glossina Genome Initiative, GM Attardo, PP Abila, JE Auma, ... Science 344 (6182), 380-386, 2014 | 248 | 2014 |
Distinct Salmonella Enteritidis lineages associated with enterocolitis in high-income settings and invasive disease in low-income settings NA Feasey, J Hadfield, KH Keddy, TJ Dallman, J Jacobs, X Deng, ... Nature genetics 48 (10), 1211-1217, 2016 | 204 | 2016 |
Kinetoplastid phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary innovations associated with the origins of parasitism AP Jackson, TD Otto, M Aslett, SD Armstrong, F Bringaud, A Schlacht, ... Current Biology 26 (2), 161-172, 2016 | 177 | 2016 |
The Genome Sequence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, Causative Agent of Chronic Human African Trypanosomiasis AP Jackson, M Sanders, A Berry, J McQuillan, MA Aslett, MA Quail, ... PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 4 (4), e658, 2010 | 175 | 2010 |