Quality characteristics for software architecture F Losavio, L Chirinos, N Lévy, A Ramdane-Cherif Journal of object Technology 2 (2), 133-150, 2003 | 175 | 2003 |
Developing ambient intelligence systems: A solution based on web services V Issarny, D Sacchetti, F Tartanoglu, F Sailhan, R Chibout, N Levy, ... Automated Software Engineering 12, 101-137, 2005 | 150 | 2005 |
Coordinated forward error recovery for composite web services V Issarny, F Tartanoglu, A Romanovsky, N Levy 22nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2003 …, 2003 | 140 | 2003 |
Dependability in the Web services architecture F Tartanoglu, V Issarny, A Romanovsky, N Levy Architecting dependable systems, 90-109, 2007 | 120 | 2007 |
ISO quality standards for measuring architectures F Losavio, L Chirinos, A Matteo, N Lévy, A Ramdane-Cherif Journal of systems and software 72 (2), 209-223, 2004 | 106 | 2004 |
Using B formal specifications for analysis and verification of UML/OCL models R Marcano, N Levy In Workshop on consistency problems in UML-based software development. 5th …, 2002 | 62 | 2002 |
Description of specification developments J Souquieres, N Levy [1993] Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements …, 1993 | 51 | 1993 |
Transformation rules of OCL constraints into B formal expressions R Marcano, N Levy Critical Systems Development with UML–Proceedings of the UML 2, 155-162, 2002 | 40 | 2002 |
Designing quality architecture: incorporating ISO standards into the unified process F Losavio, L Chirinos, A Matteo, N Lévy, A Ramdane-Cherif Inf. Syst. Manag. 21 (1), 27-44, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Using LOTOS patterns to characterize architectural styles M Heisel, N Lévy Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming, 818-832, 1997 | 28 | 1997 |
Kinematic inversion A Ramdane-Cherif, B Daachi, A Benallegue, N Lévy IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2, 1904-1909, 2002 | 26 | 2002 |
Transformation d'annotations OCL en expressions B R Marcano, N Levy AFADL'2001: approches formelles dans l'assistance au développement de …, 2001 | 22 | 2001 |
A Framework Based Measurements for Evaluating an IS Quality. O Lamouchi, A Ramdane-Cherif, N Lévy APCCM, 39-47, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Using the b method for the formalization of coordinated atomic actions F Tartanoglu, N Levy, V Issarny, A Romanovsky Proc. ICSE 2003 Workshop on Software Architectures for Dependable System, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
Generic multimedia multimodal agents paradigms and their dynamic reconfiguration at the architectural level H Djenidi, S Benarif, A Ramdane-Cherif, C Tadj, N Lévy EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2004, 1-20, 2004 | 19 | 2004 |
11.2. 2 Reducing the Gap Between Formal and Informal Worlds in Automotive Safety‐Critical Systems HG Chalé, O Taofifenua, T Gaudré, A Topa, N Lévy, JL Boulanger INCOSE International Symposium 21 (1), 1306-1320, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Graph modelling of a refactoring process for product line architecture design F Losavio, O Ordaz, N Levy, A Baïotto 2013 XXXIX Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-12, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
A language-independent approach to specification construction N Lévy, G Smith ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 19 (5), 76-86, 1994 | 16 | 1994 |
Utilisation de patterns dans la construction de spécifications en UML et B RM Kamenoff, E Meyer, N Levy, J Souquières Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Developpement de Logiciels-AFADl …, 2000 | 14 | 2000 |
Web services domain knowledge with an ontology on software quality standards F Losavio, A Matteo, N Levy Proceedings of the Third International Conferences on Internet Technologies …, 2009 | 13 | 2009 |