The McDonaldization of society G Ritzer In the Mind's Eye, 143-152, 2021 | 14734* | 2021 |
Modern sociological theory G Ritzer, J Stepnisky Sage publications, 2021 | 8545* | 2021 |
Production, consumption, prosumption: The nature of capitalism in the age of the digital ‘prosumer’ G Ritzer, N Jurgenson Journal of consumer culture 10 (1), 13-36, 2010 | 3869 | 2010 |
Teori sosiologi modern G Ritzer Kencana Prenada, 2004 | 3665 | 2004 |
Teoría sociológica clásica G Ritzer, RDR Requena, JEO Cárdenas, MTC Rodríguezz, ... McGraw-Hill, 2001 | 3661* | 2001 |
Teori Sosiologi: Dari sosiologi klasik sampai perkembangan terakhir postmodern G Ritzer Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar 11, 25, 2012 | 2234 | 2012 |
Sosiologi: ilmu pengetahuan berparadigma ganda G Ritzer (No Title), 1985 | 2227 | 1985 |
The globalization of nothing G Ritzer SAIS review 23 (2), 189-200, 2003 | 2081 | 2003 |
Enchanting a disenchanted world: Revolutionizing the means of consumption G Ritzer Pine Forge Press, 2005 | 1946 | 2005 |
Sociology: A multiple paradigm science G Ritzer The American Sociologist, 156-167, 1975 | 1746 | 1975 |
Classical sociological theory G Ritzer, J Stepnisky Sage publications, 2020 | 1051 | 2020 |
The coming of age of the prosumer G Ritzer, P Dean, N Jurgenson American behavioral scientist 56 (4), 379-398, 2012 | 974 | 2012 |
“McDisneyization” and “post-tourism”: Complementary perspectives on contemporary tourism G Ritzer, A Liska, C Rojek, J Urry 1997, 96-112, 1997 | 948 | 1997 |
Globalization: A basic text G Ritzer, P Dean John Wiley & Sons, 2015 | 884 | 2015 |
Enchanting a disenchanted world: Continuity and change in the cathedrals of consumption G Ritzer Sage Publications, 2009 | 854 | 2009 |
Teori sosiologi: Dari teori sosiologi klasik sampai perkembangan mutakhir teori sosial postmodern G Ritzer, DJ Goodman Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana, 2009 | 835 | 2009 |
Contemporary sociological theory G Ritzer | 799 | 1983 |
La McDonalización de la sociedad G Ritzer Madrid, 2007 | 789 | 2007 |
An empirical study of Howard Becker's side-bet theory G Ritzer, HM Trice Social forces, 475-478, 1969 | 768 | 1969 |
Rethinking globalization: Glocalization/grobalization and something/nothing G Ritzer Sociological theory 21 (3), 193-209, 2003 | 703 | 2003 |