Hillslope hydrology in global change research and earth system modeling Y Fan, M Clark, DM Lawrence, S Swenson, LE Band, SL Brantley, ... Water Resources Research 55 (2), 1737-1772, 2019 | 412 | 2019 |
A mechanistic assessment of nutrient flushing at the catchment scale WJ van Verseveld, JJ McDonnell, K Lajtha Journal of Hydrology 358 (3-4), 268-287, 2008 | 102 | 2008 |
The co-incidence of storm surges and extreme discharges within the Rhine–Meuse Delta WJ Klerk, HC Winsemius, WJ Van Verseveld, AMR Bakker, ... Environmental Research Letters 10 (3), 035005, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
A quantitative assessment of human interventions and climate change on the West African sediment budget A Giardino, R Schrijvershof, CM Nederhoff, H De Vroeg, C Briere, ... Ocean & Coastal Management 156, 249-265, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |
Estimating the deep seepage component of the hillslope and catchment water balance within a measurement uncertainty framework CB Graham, W Van Verseveld, HR Barnard, JJ McDonnell Hydrological Processes 24 (25), 3631-3647, 2010 | 91 | 2010 |
The role of hillslope hydrology in controlling nutrient loss WJ van Verseveld, JJ McDonnell, K Lajtha Journal of Hydrology 367 (3-4), 177-187, 2009 | 89 | 2009 |
Scaling point‐scale (pedo) transfer functions to seamless large‐domain parameter estimates for high‐resolution distributed hydrologic modeling: An example for the Rhine River RO Imhoff, WJ Van Verseveld, B Van Osnabrugge, AH Weerts Water Resources Research 56 (4), e2019WR026807, 2020 | 67 | 2020 |
Hydrometeorological multi-model ensemble simulations of the 4 November 2011 flash flood event in Genoa, Italy, in the framework of the DRIHM project A Hally, O Caumont, L Garrote, E Richard, A Weerts, F Delogu, E Fiori, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (3), 537-555, 2015 | 59 | 2015 |
Mechanistic assessment of hillslope transpiration controls of diel subsurface flow: A steady‐state irrigation approach HR Barnard, CB Graham, WJ Van Verseveld, JR Brooks, BJ Bond, ... Ecohydrology: Ecosystems, Land and Water Process Interactions …, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
A hydrography upscaling method for scale-invariant parametrization of distributed hydrological models D Eilander, W Van Verseveld, D Yamazaki, A Weerts, HC Winsemius, ... Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (9), 5287-5313, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Climate change and extrame weather events P Vellinga, V WJ Van World Wide Fund For Nature, 2000 | 47 | 2000 |
Precipitation control over inorganic nitrogen import–export budgets across watersheds: a synthesis of long‐term ecological research ES Kane, EF Betts, AJ Burgin, HM Clilverd, CL Crenshaw, JB Fellman, ... Ecohydrology: Ecosystems, Land and Water Process Interactions …, 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
Large-sample assessment of varying spatial resolution on the streamflow estimates of the wflow_sbm hydrological model JPM Aerts, RW Hut, NC van de Giesen, N Drost, WJ van Verseveld, ... Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (16), 4407-4430, 2022 | 31 | 2022 |
HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis D Eilander, H Boisgontier, J Buitink, A Couasnon, B Dalmijn, M Hegnauer, ... Journal of Open Source Software 8 (83), 4897, 2023 | 23 | 2023 |
Wflow_sbm v0. 6.1, a spatially distributed hydrologic model: from global data to local applications WJ Van Verseveld, AH Weerts, M Visser, J Buitink, RO Imhoff, ... Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2022, 1-52, 2022 | 20 | 2022 |
Daily flow simulation in Thailand Part I: Testing a distributed hydrological model with seamless parameter maps based on global data C Wannasin, CC Brauer, R Uijlenhoet, WJ van Verseveld, AH Weerts Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 34, 100794, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |
A sprinkling experiment to quantify celerity–velocity differences at the hillslope scale WJ van Verseveld, HR Barnard, CB Graham, JJ McDonnell, JR Brooks, ... Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (11), 5891-5910, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Daily flow simulation in Thailand Part II: Unraveling effects of reservoir operation C Wannasin, CC Brauer, R Uijlenhoet, WJ Van Verseveld, AH Weerts Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 34, 100792, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Openstreams wflow documentation J Schellekens, W van Verseveld, T de Boer-Euser, H Winsemius, ... | 6 | 2016 |
Generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation for the daily HBV model in the Rhine Basin, part A: Germany HCM Winsemius, W van Verseveld, AH Weerts, M Hegnauer Delft, the Netherlands: Deltares, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |