A review of key Likert scale development advances: 1995–2019 AT Jebb, V Ng, L Tay Frontiers in psychology 12, 637547, 2021 | 748 | 2021 |
Happiness, Income Satiation, and Turning Points Around the World AT Jebb, L Tay, SO Diener | 497* | |
Exploratory data analysis as a foundation of inductive research AT Jebb, S Parrigon, SE Woo Human resource management review 27 (2), 265-276, 2017 | 410 | 2017 |
Time series analysis for psychological research: examining and forecasting change AT Jebb, L Tay, W Wang, Q Huang Frontiers in psychology 6, 727, 2015 | 356 | 2015 |
Bayesian Statistics A Jebb The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd …, 2016 | 344* | 2016 |
Subjective well-being around the world: Trends and predictors across the life span AT Jebb, M Morrison, L Tay, E Diener Psychological science 31 (3), 293-305, 2020 | 292 | 2020 |
Putting the “person” in the center: Review and synthesis of person-centered approaches and methods in organizational science SE Woo, AT Jebb, L Tay, S Parrigon Organizational Research Methods 21 (4), 814-845, 2018 | 287 | 2018 |
Scale Development L Tay, A Jebb The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd Edition), 2016 | 180 | 2016 |
Introduction to time series analysis for organizational research: Methods for longitudinal analyses AT Jebb, L Tay Organizational Research Methods 20 (1), 61-94, 2017 | 95 | 2017 |
Establishing construct continua in construct validation: The process of continuum specification L Tay, AT Jebb Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (3), 375-388, 2018 | 88 | 2018 |
A closer look at the personality-turnover relationship: Criterion expansion, dark traits, and time SE Woo, M Chae, AT Jebb, Y Kim Journal of Management 42 (2), 357-385, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Arts and humanities interventions for flourishing in healthy adults: A mixed studies systematic review Y Shim, AT Jebb, L Tay, JO Pawelski Review of General Psychology 25 (3), 258-282, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
A Bayesian primer for the organizational sciences: The “two sources” and an introduction to BugsXLA AT Jebb, SE Woo Organizational Research Methods 18 (1), 92-132, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Diener, and Shigehiro Oishi. 2018.“Happiness, Income Satiation and Turning Points around the World.” AT Jebb, L Tay Nature Human Behaviour 2 (1), 33-38, 0 | 35 | |
Internet searches for affect‐related terms: An indicator of subjective well‐being and predictor of health outcomes across US states and metro areas MT Ford, AT Jebb, L Tay, E Diener Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 10 (1), 3-29, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
The need for cognition: Key concepts, assessment, and role in educational outcomes AT Jebb, R Saef, S Parrigon, SE Woo Psychosocial skills and school systems in the 21st century: Theory, research …, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Video capture of human behaviors: toward a Big Data approach L Tay, AT Jebb, SE Woo Current opinion in behavioral sciences 18, 17-22, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Big data for enhancing measurement quality. SE Woo, L Tay, AT Jebb, MT Ford, ML Kern American Psychological Association, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Happiness, income satiation and turning points around the world. Nature Human Behaviour, 2 (1), 33–38 AT Jebb, L Tay, E Diener, S Oishi | 19 | 2018 |
Construct validation in multilevel studies. AT Jebb, L Tay, V Ng, S Woo American Psychological Association, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |