The transtheoretical model of health behavior change JO Prochaska, WF Velicer American journal of health promotion 12 (1), 38-48, 1997 | 14884 | 1997 |
Comparison of five rules for determining the number of components to retain. WR Zwick, WF Velicer Psychological bulletin 99 (3), 432, 1986 | 4603 | 1986 |
Relation of sample size to the stability of component patterns. E Guadagnoli, WF Velicer Psychological bulletin 103 (2), 265, 1988 | 4522 | 1988 |
Stages of change and decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. JO Prochaska, WF Velicer, JS Rossi, MG Goldstein, BH Marcus, ... Health psychology 13 (1), 39, 1994 | 3915 | 1994 |
The process of smoking cessation: an analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. CC DiClemente, JO Prochaska, SK Fairhurst, WF Velicer, MM Velasquez, ... Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 59 (2), 295, 1991 | 3688 | 1991 |
Determining the number of components from the matrix of partial correlations WF Velicer Psychometrika 41 (3), 321-327, 1976 | 3043 | 1976 |
Stages of change in psychotherapy: Measurement and sample profiles. EA McConnaughy, JO Prochaska, WF Velicer Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice 20 (3), 368, 1983 | 2119 | 1983 |
Measuring processes of change: applications to the cessation of smoking. JO Prochaska, WF Velicer, CC DiClemente, J Fava Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 56 (4), 520, 1988 | 1880 | 1988 |
Affects of variable and subject sampling on factor pattern recovery. WF Velicer, JL Fava Psychological methods 3 (2), 231, 1998 | 1628 | 1998 |
Decisional balance measure for assessing and predicting smoking status. WF Velicer, CC DiClemente, JO Prochaska, N Brandenburg Journal of personality and social psychology 48 (5), 1279, 1985 | 1514 | 1985 |
Effects of estimation methods, number of indicators per factor, and improper solutions on structural equation modeling fit indices L Ding, WF Velicer, LL Harlow Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 2 (2), 119-143, 1995 | 1374 | 1995 |
Construct explication through factor or component analysis: A review and evaluation of alternative procedures for determining the number of factors or components WF Velicer, CA Eaton, JL Fava Problems and solutions in human assessment: Honoring Douglas N. Jackson at …, 2000 | 1305 | 2000 |
Relapse situations and self-efficacy: An integrative model WF Velicer, CC Diclemente, JS Rossi, JO Prochaska Addictive behaviors 15 (3), 271-283, 1990 | 1252 | 1990 |
Standardized, individualized, interactive, and personalized self-help programs for smoking cessation. JO Prochaska, CC DiClemente, WF Velicer, JS Rossi Health psychology 12 (5), 399, 1993 | 1239 | 1993 |
Biochemical verification of tobacco use and cessation SRNT Subcommittee on Biochemical Verification Nicotine & tobacco research 4 (2), 149-159, 2002 | 1209 | 2002 |
Assessing outcome in smoking cessation studies. WF Velicer, JO Prochaska, JS Rossi, MG Snow Psychological bulletin 111 (1), 23, 1992 | 1124 | 1992 |
Component analysis versus common factor analysis: Some issues in selecting an appropriate procedure WF Velicer, DN Jackson Multivariate behavioral research 25 (1), 1-28, 1990 | 1121 | 1990 |
Stages of change in psychotherapy: A follow-up report. EA McConnaughy, CC DiClemente, JO Prochaska, WF Velicer Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 26 (4), 494, 1989 | 1090 | 1989 |
Smoking cessation and stress management: applications of the transtheoretical model WF Velicer, JO Prochaska, JL Fava, GJ Norman, CA Redding Homeostasis 38 (5-6), 216-33, 1998 | 930* | 1998 |
The transtheoretical model of change and HIV prevention: A review JO Prochaska, CA Redding, LL Harlow, JS Rossi, WF Velicer Health education quarterly 21 (4), 471-486, 1994 | 812 | 1994 |