Organizing and the process of sensemaking KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe, D Obstfeld Organization science 16 (4), 409-421, 2005 | 11393 | 2005 |
Managing the unexpected KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001 | 5587 | 2001 |
Managing the unexpected: Resilient performance in an age of uncertainty KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe John Wiley & Sons, 2011 | 4219 | 2011 |
VOLUME III A Boin, P Hart, A McConnell, A Stark, KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe, D Obstfeld, ... | 3969 | 1999 |
Organizing for resilience KM Sutcliffe Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline, 2003 | 2345 | 2003 |
A socially embedded model of thriving at work G Spreitzer, K Sutcliffe, J Dutton, S Sonenshein, AM Grant Organization science 16 (5), 537-549, 2005 | 2070 | 2005 |
Organizational response to adversity: Fusing crisis management and resilience research streams TA Williams, DA Gruber, KM Sutcliffe, DA Shepherd, EY Zhao Academy of management annals 11 (2), 733-769, 2017 | 1995 | 2017 |
Comparing alternative conceptualizations of functional diversity in management teams: Process and performance effects JS Bunderson, KM Sutcliffe Academy of management journal 45 (5), 875-893, 2002 | 1722 | 2002 |
Communication failures: an insidious contributor to medical mishaps KM Sutcliffe, E Lewton, MM Rosenthal Academic medicine 79 (2), 186-194, 2004 | 1464 | 2004 |
Mindfulness and the quality of organizational attention KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe Organization science 17 (4), 514-524, 2006 | 1432 | 2006 |
Distinguishing control from learning in total quality management: a contingency perspective SB Sitkin, KM Sutcliffe, RG Schroeder Academy of management review 19 (3), 537-564, 1994 | 1323 | 1994 |
Organizational resilience: Towards a theory and research agenda TJ Vogus, KM Sutcliffe 2007 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 3418-3422, 2007 | 1293 | 2007 |
Managing the unexpected: Sustained performance in a complex world KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe John Wiley & Sons, 2015 | 1113 | 2015 |
Management team learning orientation and business unit performance. JS Bunderson, KM Sutcliffe Journal of applied psychology 88 (3), 552, 2003 | 965 | 2003 |
Das Unerwartete managen: wie Unternehmen aus Extremsituationen lernen KE Weick, KM Sutcliffe Schäffer-Poeschel, 2017 | 766 | 2017 |
Uncertainty in the transaction environment: an empirical test KM Sutcliffe, A Zaheer Strategic management journal 19 (1), 1-23, 1998 | 694 | 1998 |
Studying changes in organizational design and effectiveness: Retrospective event histories and periodic assessments WH Glick, GP Huber, CC Miller, DH Doty, KM Sutcliffe Organization Science 1 (3), 293-312, 1990 | 647 | 1990 |
Learning through rare events: Significant interruptions at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum MK Christianson, MT Farkas, KM Sutcliffe, KE Weick Organization science 20 (5), 846-860, 2009 | 633 | 2009 |
What executives notice: Accurate perceptions in top management teams KM Sutcliffe Academy of Management journal 37 (5), 1360-1378, 1994 | 633 | 1994 |
Mindfulness in organizations: A cross-level review KM Sutcliffe, TJ Vogus, E Dane Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior 3 (1 …, 2016 | 626 | 2016 |