Geometric inflation G Arciniega, P Bueno, PA Cano, JD Edelstein, RA Hennigar, LG Jaime
Physics Letters B 802, 135242, 2020
91 2020 Robust approach to gravity LG Jaime, L Patino, M Salgado
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (2), 024039, 2011
79 2011 Towards geometric inflation: the cubic case G Arciniega, JD Edelstein, LG Jaime
Physics Letters B 802, 135272, 2020
75 2020 Spherically symmetric black holes in f (R) gravity: is geometric scalar hair supported? P Cañate, LG Jaime, M Salgado
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33 (15), 155005, 2016
69 2016 New parametrized equation of state for dark energy surveys LG Jaime, M Jaber, C Escamilla-Rivera
Physical Review D 98 (8), 083530, 2018
68 2018 Habitable zones with stable orbits for planets around binary systems LG Jaime, L Aguilar, B Pichardo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 443 (1), 260-274, 2014
26 2014 Note on the equation of state of geometric dark energy in gravity LG Jaime, L Patino, M Salgado
Physical Review D 89 (8), 084010, 2014
26 2014 Lemaître–Tolman–Bondi dust solutions in f (R) gravity RA Sussman, LG Jaime
Classical and Quantum Gravity 34 (24), 245004, 2017
24 2017 f (R) Cosmology revisited LG Jaime, L Patino, M Salgado
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.1642, 2012
19 2012 Cosmic inflation without inflaton G Arciniega, P Bueno, PA Cano, JD Edelstein, RA Hennigar, LG Jaime
International Journal of Modern Physics D 28 (14), 1944008, 2019
18 2019 About matter and dark-energy domination eras in gravity or lack thereof LG Jaime, L Patino, M Salgado
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (2), 024029, 2013
18 2013 Regions of dynamical stability for discs and planets in binary stars of the solar neighbourhood LG Jaime, B Pichardo, L Aguilar
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427 (4), 2723-2733, 2012
15 2012 On the viability of the evolution of the universe with Geometric Inflation LG Jaime
Physics of the Dark Universe 34, 100887, 2021
12 2021 Cosmology in Exponential Gravity L Jaime, M Salgado, L Patino
Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague, 363-371, 2014
11 2014 A unified geometric description of the Universe: From inflation to late-time acceleration without an inflaton nor a cosmological constant LG Jaime, G Arciniega
Physics Letters B 827, 136939, 2022
9 2022 Inflationary predictions of geometric inflation G Arciniega, LG Jaime, G Piccinelli
Physics Letters B 809, 135731, 2020
9 2020 A single parameterization for dark energy and modified gravity models M Jaber, G Arciniega, LG Jaime, OA Rodríguez-López
Physics of the Dark Universe 37, 101069, 2022
7 2022 Towards purely geometric inflation and late time acceleration G Arciniega, JD Edelstein, LG Jaime
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08166, 2018
7 2018 Cosmic acceleration and stars in an asymptotically Ricci flat universe LG Jaime, M Salgado
Physical Review D 98 (8), 084045, 2018
5 2018 Diagnostic of under the function LG Jaime
Physical Review D 91 (12), 124070, 2015
4 2015