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Physical Review Letters 96 (13), 133001, 2006
309 2006 Intense self-compressed, self-phase-stabilized few-cycle pulses at from an optical filament CP Hauri, RB Lopez-Martens, CI Blaga, KD Schultz, J Cryan, R Chirla, ...
Optics letters 32 (7), 868-870, 2007
161 2007 Assessment of sprint and change-of-direction performance in college football players G Condello, K Schultz, A Tessitore
International journal of sports physiology and performance 8 (2), 211-212, 2013
37 2013 Strong field physics with long wavelength lasers KD Schultz, CI Blaga, R Chirla, P Colosimo, J Cryan, AM March, C Roedig, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 54 (7), 1075-1085, 2007
22 2007 Phase-sensitive detection in the undergraduate lab using a low-cost microcontroller KD Schultz
American Journal of Physics 84 (7), 557-561, 2016
18 2016 Strong-field physics with mid-infrared lasers KD Schultz, CI Blaga, R Chirla, P Colosimo, J Cryan, AM March, C Roedig, ...
J. Mod. Opt 54, 1075-1085, 2007
5 2007 Resonances in hydrogen atoms in collinear linearly polarized microwave field+ static field KD Schultz
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2003
1 2003 The trials and tribulations of building a phase-sensitive detector with an Arduino microcontroller KD Schultz
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 59, 2014
2014 Intense self-compressed carrier-envelope phase-locked few-cycle pulses at 2 µm CP Hauri, R Lopez-Martens, CI Blaga, J Cryan, R Chirla, P Colosimo, ...
2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 1-2, 2007
2007 Intense carrier-envelope phase stable few-cycle pulses at 2 {mu} m from a filament for high-order harmonic generation CP Hauri, R Lopez-Martens, C Blaga, K Schultz, L DiMauro, E Power
2006 Resonances in H Atoms in Collinear Linearly Polarized Microwave Field+ Static Field KD Schultz
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2003
2003 Appearance, disappearance, shifts, and widths of microwave+ static field resonances in H atoms EJ Galvez, PM Koch, J Wilson, KD Schultz, D Richards
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, D6. 095, 2002
2002 Ionization of hydrogen by a high-frequency, elliptically-polarized field J Wilson, PM Koch, KD Schultz, A Butz
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, D6. 096, 2002
2002 Ionization of excited H atoms by collinear static and LP microwave fields at high scaled frequency D Walter, PM Koch, KD Schultz, JW Wilson
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 46 …, 2001
2001 Control of oscillations in H atom ionization probability P_ion by collinear static and LP microwave fields JW Wilson, EJ Galvez, PM Koch, KD Schultz
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 46 …, 2001
2001 Much weaker'oscillations in H atom ionization by collinear static and LP microwave fields KD Schultz, PM Koch, D Walter, JW Wilson
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 46 …, 2001
2001 A simple apparatus for recording the eigenmodes in a microwave cavity KD Schultz, PM Koch, SA Zelazny
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 14 …, 2000