Fine structure of neutral and charged excitons in self-assembled In (Ga) As/(Al) GaAs quantum dots M Bayer, G Ortner, O Stern, A Kuther, AA Gorbunov, A Forchel, ... Physical Review B 65 (19), 195315, 2002 | 1550 | 2002 |
Semiconductor quantum dots: Technological progress and future challenges FP García de Arquer, DV Talapin, VI Klimov, Y Arakawa, M Bayer, ... Science 373 (6555), eaaz8541, 2021 | 1291 | 2021 |
Coupling and entangling of quantum states in quantum dot molecules M Bayer, P Hawrylak, K Hinzer, S Fafard, M Korkusinski, ZR Wasilewski, ... Science 291 (5503), 451-453, 2001 | 1057 | 2001 |
Enhanced magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals VI Belotelov, IA Akimov, M Pohl, VA Kotov, S Kasture, AS Vengurlekar, ... Nature nanotechnology 6 (6), 370-376, 2011 | 668 | 2011 |
Temperature dependence of the exciton homogeneous linewidth in In 0.60 Ga 0.40 As/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots M Bayer, A Forchel Physical Review B 65 (4), 041308, 2002 | 639 | 2002 |
Mode locking of electron spin coherences in singly charged quantum dots A Greilich, DR Yakovlev, A Shabaev, AL Efros, IA Yugova, R Oulton, ... Science 313 (5785), 341-345, 2006 | 590 | 2006 |
Electron and hole g factors and exchange interaction from studies of the exciton fine structure in In 0.60 Ga 0.40 As quantum dots M Bayer, A Kuther, A Forchel, A Gorbunov, VB Timofeev, F Schäfer, ... Physical Review Letters 82 (8), 1748, 1999 | 567 | 1999 |
Hidden symmetries in the energy levels of excitonic ‘artificial atoms’ M Bayer, O Stern, P Hawrylak, S Fafard, A Forchel Nature 405 (6789), 923-926, 2000 | 564 | 2000 |
Optical modes in photonic molecules M Bayer, T Gutbrod, JP Reithmaier, A Forchel, TL Reinecke, PA Knipp, ... Physical review letters 81 (12), 2582, 1998 | 477 | 1998 |
Giant Rydberg excitons in the copper oxide Cu2O T Kazimierczuk, D Fröhlich, S Scheel, H Stolz, M Bayer Nature 514 (7522), 343-347, 2014 | 459 | 2014 |
Nuclei-induced frequency focusing of electron spin coherence A Greilich, A Shabaev, DR Yakovlev, AL Efros, IA Yugova, D Reuter, ... Science 317 (5846), 1896-1899, 2007 | 320 | 2007 |
Ultrafast optical rotations of electron spins in quantum dots A Greilich, SE Economou, S Spatzek, DR Yakovlev, D Reuter, AD Wieck, ... Nature Physics 5 (4), 262-266, 2009 | 304 | 2009 |
Inhibition and enhancement of the spontaneous emission of quantum dots in structured microresonators M Bayer, TL Reinecke, F Weidner, A Larionov, A McDonald, A Forchel Physical review letters 86 (14), 3168, 2001 | 297 | 2001 |
Thermal activation of non-radiative Auger recombination in charged colloidal nanocrystals C Javaux, B Mahler, B Dubertret, A Shabaev, AV Rodina, AL Efros, ... Nature nanotechnology 8 (3), 206-212, 2013 | 296 | 2013 |
Optical Detection of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect on a Charged Particle<? format?> in a Nanoscale Quantum Ring M Bayer, M Korkusinski, P Hawrylak, T Gutbrod, M Michel, A Forchel Physical review letters 90 (18), 186801, 2003 | 295 | 2003 |
Optical control of spin coherence in singly charged (In, Ga) As/GaAs quantum dots A Greilich, R Oulton, EA Zhukov, IA Yugova, DR Yakovlev, M Bayer, ... Physical review letters 96 (22), 227401, 2006 | 280 | 2006 |
Direct observation of correlations between individual photon emission events of a microcavity laser J Wiersig, C Gies, F Jahnke, M Aßmann, T Berstermann, M Bayer, ... Nature 460 (7252), 245-249, 2009 | 279 | 2009 |
Plasmon-mediated magneto-optical transparency VI Belotelov, LE Kreilkamp, IA Akimov, AN Kalish, DA Bykov, S Kasture, ... Nature communications 4 (1), 2128, 2013 | 253 | 2013 |
Coherent Magnetization Precession in Ferromagnetic (Ga, Mn) As<? format?> Induced by Picosecond Acoustic Pulses AV Scherbakov, AS Salasyuk, AV Akimov, X Liu, M Bombeck, ... Physical review letters 105 (11), 117204, 2010 | 245 | 2010 |
Spectroscopic study of dark excitons in In x Ga 1− x As self-assembled quantum dots by a magnetic-field-induced symmetry breaking M Bayer, O Stern, A Kuther, A Forchel Physical Review B 61 (11), 7273, 2000 | 229 | 2000 |