Bearing capacity of a sand layer on clay by finite element limit analysis JS Shiau, AV Lyamin, SW Sloan Canadian Geotechnical Journal 40 (5), 900-915, 2003 | 192 | 2003 |
Undrained stability of footings on slopes JS Shiau, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin, SW Sloan International Journal of Geomechanics 11 (5), 381-390, 2011 | 150 | 2011 |
Effects of light crude oil contamination on the physical and mechanical properties of fine sand RM Abousnina, A Manalo, J Shiau, W Lokuge Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 24 (8), 833-845, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Finite element limit analysis of passive earth resistance in cohesionless soils JS Shiau, CE Augarde, AV Lyamin, SW Sloan Soils and Foundations 48 (6), 843-850, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Undrained Stability of Ring Foundations: Axisymmetry, Anisotropy, and Nonhomogeneity S Keawsawasvong, J Shiau, C Ngamkhanong, V Qui Lai, C Thongchom International Journal of Geomechanics 22 (1), 04021253, 2022 | 69 | 2022 |
Multivariate adaptive regression splines analysis for 3D slope stability in anisotropic and heterogenous clay J Shiau, VQ Lai, S Keawsawasvong Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15 (4), 1052-1064, 2023 | 68 | 2023 |
Pipeline burst-related ground stability in blowout condition J Shiau, B Chudal, K Mahalingasivam, S Keawsawasvong Transportation Geotechnics 29, 100587, 2021 | 64 | 2021 |
Determination of critical tunnel heading pressures using stability factors J Shiau, F Al-Asadi Computers and Geotechnics 119, 103345, 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
Bearing capacity of ring foundations on anisotropic and heterogenous clays: FEA, NGI-ADP, and MARS VQ Lai, J Shiau, S Keawsawasvong, DT Tran Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 40 (7), 3913-3928, 2022 | 51 | 2022 |
Three-dimensional analysis of circular tunnel headings using Broms and Bennermark’s original stability number J Shiau, F Al-Asadi International Journal of Geomechanics 20 (7), 06020015, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
Three-dimensional stability analysis of active and passive trapdoors J Shiau, JS Lee, F Al-Asadi Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 107, 103635, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
Stability of active trapdoors in axisymmetry S Keawsawasvong, J Shiau Underground Space 7 (1), 50-57, 2022 | 43 | 2022 |
Two-dimensional tunnel heading stability factors Fc, Fs and Fγ J Shiau, F Al-Asadi Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 97, 103293, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Numerical methods for shakedown analysis of pavements under moving surface loads [Ph. D. thesis D] JSH Shiau Australia: The University of Newcastle, 2001 | 43* | 2001 |
Load and displacement prediction for shakedown analysis of layered pavements JS Shiau, HS Yu Transportation research record 1730 (1), 117-124, 2000 | 41 | 2000 |
Bearing capacity of conical footing on anisotropic and heterogeneous clays using FEA and ANN VQ Lai, J Shiau, CN Van, HD Tran, S Keawsawasvong Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 41 (9), 1053-1070, 2023 | 39 | 2023 |
Three-dimensional heading stability of twin circular tunnels J Shiau, F Al-Asadi Geotechnical and Geological engineering 38, 2973-2988, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Relating volume loss and greenfield settlement J Shiau, M Sams Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83, 145-152, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |
Revisiting Broms and Bennermarks’ original stability number for tunnel headings J Shiau, F Al-Asadi Géotechnique Letters 8 (4), 310-315, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Undrained stability of active and passive trapdoors J Shiau, MM Hassan Geotechnical Research 7 (1), 40-48, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |