The History of Saudi Arabia WH Bowen Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024 | 282 | 2024 |
Spaniards and Nazi Germany: collaboration in the new order WH Bowen University of Missouri Press, 2000 | 155 | 2000 |
Spain during World War II WH Bowen University of Missouri Press, 2006 | 89 | 2006 |
A military history of modern Spain: from the Napoleonic era to the international war on terror WH Bowen, JE Alvarez Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Spain and the American Civil War WH Bowen University of Missouri Press, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Truman, Franco's Spain, and the Cold War WH Bowen University of Missouri Press, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Spanish Pilgrimages to Hitler's Germany: Emissaries of the New Order WH Bowen The Historian 71 (2), 258-279, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |
Pilar Primo de Rivera and the Axis Temptation WH Bowen The Historian 67 (1), 62-72, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
Türkiye ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı: Taraflı Fakat Savaşmayan Ülke W Bowen Türkler Ansiklopedisi, 1486-1502, 2002 | 12 | 2002 |
Spain and the Nazi occupation of Poland, 1939-44 WH Bowen International Social Science Review 82 (3/4), 135-148, 2007 | 9 | 2007 |
The Ghost Battalion: Spaniards in the Waffen‐SS, 1944‐1945 WH Bowen The Historian 63 (2), 373-385, 2000 | 9 | 2000 |
Estados Unidos, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Japón y sus relaciones con España entre la Guerra y la Postguerra (19391953) JMT Andreu, ESF San Baldomero, WH Bowen, XM Juliá, FR García Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Undoing Saddam: From occupation to sovereignty in northern Iraq WH Bowen (No Title), 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
“A Great Moral Victory”: Spanish Protection of Jews on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944 WH Bowen Resisting the Holocaust, Oxford/Nueva York: Berg, 195-211, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
The Spanish and Ottoman Empires in the Mediterranean, 1714–1914 WH Bowen Journal of the Middle East and Africa 1 (1), 84-96, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
De enemigo a aliado: Harry Truman y el régimen de Franco WH Bowen Guerra Civil y franquismo: una perspectiva internacional, 79-98, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Con la mayor reticencia: Harry Truman, Francisco Franco y la alianza España-Estados Unidos WH Bowen Estados Unidos, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Japón y sus relaciones con España …, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
From holy war to technocracy, 1571–1924: The Spanish and Ottoman Empires in the Mediterranean WH Bowen The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 7 (3), 257-268, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
the Cold War WH Bowen, FS Truman Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
The History of Saudi Arabia. Westport, Greenwood Press WH Bowen | 2 | 2008 |