Effect of nitrogen addition to shielding gas on cooling rates and in the microstructure of thin sheets of duplex stainless steel welded by pulsed gas tungsten arc welding process EG Betini, MP Gomes, CS Mucsi, MTDA Orlando, TS Luz, ... Materials Research 22 (suppl 1), e20190247, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Heat treatment of sintered valve seat inserts MP Gomes, IP Santos, CP Couto, EG Betini, LAM Reis, CS Mucsi, ... Materials Research 21 (5), e20180068, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Study on welding thermal cycle and residual stress of UNS S32304 duplex stainless steel selected as external shield for a transport packaging of Mo-99 EG Betini, MP Gomes, MX Milagre, CSC Machado, LAM dos Reis, ... Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences 7 (2A (Suppl.)), 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Effect of post-weld heat treatment on thermal diffusivity in UNS S32304 duplex stainless steel welds EG Betini, CS Mucsi, TS Luz, MTD Orlando, MN Avettand-Fènoël, ... Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 88 (2), 49-58, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Measurements of residual stresses in aluminum wheels using the techniques of XRD, strain gages and FEA simulation-a comparison FC Cione, A Souza, L Martinez, J Rossi, EG Betini, F Rola, MA Colosio SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 9 (3), 685-687, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Experimental Study of the Temperature Distribution in Welded Thin Plates of Duplex Stainless Steel for Automotive Exhaust Systems EG Betini, FC Cione, CS Mucsi, MA Colosio, JL Rossi, MTDA Orlando SAE Technical Paper, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
The shielding against radiation produced by powder metallurgy with tungsten copper alloy applied on transport equipment for radio-pharmaceutical products FC Cione, MA Rizzuto, FF Sene, AC de Souza, EG Betini, JL Rossi ABEN 1, 9, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Study of the temperature distribution on welded thin plates of duplex steel to be used for the external clad of a cask for transportation of radiopharmaceuticals products EG Betini, FC Ceoni, CS Mucsi, R Politano, JL Rossi, MTD Orlando INAC/ABEN 1 (1), 8, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Determination of some thermal properties of advanced ceramics doped with rare earth ion Ce4+ EG Betini, AS Cavichini, MTD Orlando, JB Depianti Blucher Physics Proceedings 1 (2), 13-14, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Experimental analyses defining mechanical characteristics of obtained W-Cu-Ni composite applied as a radiation shielding FC Cione, EG Betini, MG Boato, AC SOUZA, JL Rossi Material. Inter. Review Mechan. Engineer. 14 (3), 169-176, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Effect of shielding gas on thermal properties of thin plates of duplex stainless steel welded by pulsed GTAW process EG BETINI, C TERUI, LA REIS, CS MUCSI, T LUZ, MT ORLANDO, ... | | 2023 |
Processing of zirconium sponge and zirconium alloys in an electric arc furnace LA REIS, NW MORAIS, EG BETINI, LT PEREIRA, R POLITANO, ... | | 2023 |
Avaliação das propriedades estruturais e térmicas de soldas realizadas em aço inoxidável duplex para aplicação em embalado para o transporte de substâncias radioativas EG Betini Universidade de São Paulo, 2019 | | 2019 |
Study of the thermal diffusivity variation in thin duplex steel plates welded by GTAW process EG Betini, MP Gomes, CS Mucsi, T de Souza Luz, MTD Orlando, JL Rossi Materials Science Forum 930, 460-465, 2018 | | 2018 |
Effect of the cooling rates on heat-affected zone of UNS S32304 duplex stainless steel welded by pulsed GTAW process EG Betini, MP Gomes, LA Reis, CS Mucsi, MC Alencar VIII Encontro Cientifico de Fisica Aplicada, 2017 | | 2017 |
Descrição matemática do Método Flash para determinação da difusividade térmica JNO Pinto, AN Rouver, EG Betini, LA Correa, MTD Orlando, CA Passos Blucher Physics Proceedings 2 (1), 1-4, 2015 | | 2015 |
Superconducting fluctuations in the electrical resistivity of polycrystalline Hg, Re-1223 samples EG Betini, VVT Abilio, F Eleuterio, CAC Passos, MTD Orlando, ... | | 2011 |
Natural nuclear radioactivity and crystallography composition of Camburi sand beach (VitÛria-ES) A Cavichini, EF Sperandio, MTD Orlando, JB Depiantì, VAR Junior, ... Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics (XXXIV BWNP), 91, 2011 | | 2011 |
Simulação computacional de recristalização de grãos MP Gomes, LAM dos Reis, EG Betini Poisson, 0 | | |
Assessment of the thermal and structural properties of duplex stainless-steel welded plates for application in container for transport of radioactive material EG Betini | | |