A dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean NH Saji, BN Goswami, PN Vinayachandran, T Yamagata Nature 401 (6751), 360-363, 1999 | 6332 | 1999 |
Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment N Nicholls, D Easterling, CM Goodess, S Kanae, J Kossin, Y Luo, ... Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change …, 2012 | 3084 | 2012 |
Increasing trend of extreme rain events over India in a warming environment BN Goswami, V Venugopal, D Sengupta, MS Madhusoodanan, PK Xavier Science 314 (5804), 1442-1445, 2006 | 2423 | 2006 |
Drying of Indian subcontinent by rapid Indian Ocean warming and a weakening land-sea thermal gradient MK Roxy, K Ritika, P Terray, R Murtugudde, K Ashok, BN Goswami Nature communications 6 (1), 7423, 2015 | 759 | 2015 |
Intraseasonal oscillations and interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon BN Goswami, RSA Mohan Journal of Climate 14 (6), 1180-1198, 2001 | 653 | 2001 |
Indian monsoon–ENSO relationship on interdecadal timescale V Krishnamurthy, BN Goswami Journal of climate 13 (3), 579-595, 2000 | 602 | 2000 |
A broad‐scale circulation index for the interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon BN Goswami, V Krishnamurthy, H Annmalai Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 125 (554), 611-633, 1999 | 586 | 1999 |
South asian monsoon BN Goswami Intraseasonal variability in the atmosphere-ocean climate system, 19-61, 2005 | 542 | 2005 |
A physical mechanism for North Atlantic SST influence on the Indian summer monsoon BN Goswami, MS Madhusoodanan, CP Neema, D Sengupta Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2), 2006 | 498 | 2006 |
An objective definition of the Indian summer monsoon season and a new perspective on the ENSO–monsoon relationship PK Xavier, C Marzin, BN Goswami Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2007 | 355 | 2007 |
Clustering of synoptic activity by Indian summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillations BN Goswami, RS Ajayamohan, PK Xavier, D Sengupta Geophysical Research Letters 30 (8), 2003 | 351 | 2003 |
Interannual variations of Indian summer monsoon in a GCM: External conditions versus internal feedbacks BN Goswami Journal of Climate 11 (4), 501-522, 1998 | 315 | 1998 |
ENSO control on the south Asian monsoon through the length of the rainy season BN Goswami, PK Xavier Geophysical Research Letters 32 (18), 2005 | 311 | 2005 |
Coherent intraseasonal oscillations of ocean and atmosphere during the Asian summer monsoon D Sengupta, BN Goswami, R Senan Geophysical Research Letters 28 (21), 4127-4130, 2001 | 293 | 2001 |
Deciphering the desiccation trend of the South Asian monsoon hydroclimate in a warming world R Krishnan, TP Sabin, R Vellore, M Mujumdar, J Sanjay, BN Goswami, ... Climate dynamics 47, 1007-1027, 2016 | 242 | 2016 |
The “year” of tropical convection (May 2008–April 2010): Climate variability and weather highlights DE Waliser, MW Moncrieff, D Burridge, AH Fink, D Gochis, BN Goswami, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93 (8), 1189-1218, 2012 | 226 | 2012 |
Structure, genesis and scale selection of the tropical quasi‐biweekly mode P Chatterjee, BN Goswami Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 130 (599), 1171-1194, 2004 | 218 | 2004 |
Predictability of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model BN Goswami, J Shukla Journal of Climate 4 (1), 3-22, 1991 | 209 | 1991 |
The annual cycle, intraseasonal oscillations, and roadblock to seasonal predictability of the Asian summer monsoon BN Goswami, G Wu, T Yasunari Journal of climate 19 (20), 5078-5099, 2006 | 195 | 2006 |
Interannual variations of sea surface temperature over the Arabian Sea and the Indian monsoon: A new perspective KG Rao, BN Goswami Monthly Weather Review 116 (3), 558-568, 1988 | 184 | 1988 |