Effective continuing education for professionals. RM Cervero Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, 1988 | 952 | 1988 |
Planning Responsibly for Adult Education. A Guide to Negotiating Power and Interests. Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. RM Cervero, AL Wilson Jossey-Bass, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104-1310, 1994 | 695 | 1994 |
The impact of CME on physician performance and patient health outcomes: an updated synthesis of systematic reviews RM Cervero, JK Gaines Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 35 (2), 131-138, 2015 | 505 | 2015 |
Power in practice: Adult education and the struggle for knowledge and power in society RM Cervero, AL Wilson John Wiley & Sons, 2001 | 388 | 2001 |
A new approach to continuing education for business and the professions: The performance model PM Nowlen, RM Cervero The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 35 (4), 23-24, 1987 | 387 | 1987 |
Mentoring in black and white: the intricacies of cross‐cultural mentoring J Johnson‐Bailey*, RM Cervero Mentoring & tutoring: Partnership in learning 12 (1), 7-21, 2004 | 383 | 2004 |
Working the planning table: Negotiating democratically for adult, continuing and workplace education. RM Cervero, AL Wilson Jossey-Bass, 2006 | 335 | 2006 |
Continuing professional education in transition, 1981? 2000 RM Cervero International Journal of Lifelong Education 20 (1-2), 16-30, 2001 | 263 | 2001 |
Professional practice, learning, and continuing education: an integrated perspective RM Cervero From adult education to the learning society, 170-184, 2013 | 238 | 2013 |
Clinical reasoning in occupational therapy: An integrative review BA Schell, RM Cervero The American journal of occupational therapy 47 (7), 605-610, 1993 | 235 | 1993 |
Rooted in the soil: The social experiences of Black graduate students at a southern research university J Johnson-Bailey, T Valentine, RM Cervero, TA Bowles The Journal of Higher Education 80 (2), 178-203, 2009 | 234 | 2009 |
Continuing professional education and behavioral change: A model for research and evaluation RM Cervero The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 16 (3), 85-88, 1985 | 225 | 1985 |
Trends and issues in continuing professional education RM Cervero New directions for adult and continuing education 2000 (86), 3-12, 2000 | 208 | 2000 |
An analysis of the educational narratives of reentry Black women J Johnson-Bailey, RM Cervero Adult Education Quarterly 46 (3), 142-157, 1996 | 198 | 1996 |
Different worlds and divergent paths: Academic careers defined by race and gender J Johnson-Bailey, R Cervero Harvard Educational Review 78 (2), 311-332, 2008 | 190 | 2008 |
Cross‐cultural mentoring as a context for learning J Johnson‐Bailey, RM Cervero New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 2002 (96), 15-26, 2002 | 186 | 2002 |
Impact studies in continuing education for health professions: update MK Robertson, KE Umble, RM Cervero Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 23 (3), 146-156, 2003 | 179 | 2003 |
The politics of responsibility: A theory of program planning practice for adult education RM Cervero, AL Wilson Adult Education Quarterly 45 (1), 249-268, 1994 | 165 | 1994 |
Making the invisible visible: Race, gender, and teaching in adult education AH Brown, RM Cervero, J Johnson-Bailey Adult education quarterly 50 (4), 273-288, 2000 | 163 | 2000 |
Power dynamics in teaching and learning practices: An examination of two adult education classrooms J Johnson‐Bailey, RM Cervero International journal of lifelong education 17 (6), 389-399, 1998 | 162 | 1998 |