Artificial optoelectronic spiking neuron based on a resonant tunnelling diode coupled to a vertical cavity surface emitting laser M Hejda, E Malysheva, D Owen-Newns, QR Ali Al-Taai, W Zhang, ... Nanophotonics 12 (5), 857-867, 2023 | 15 | 2023 |
Analysis of excitability in resonant tunneling diode-photodetectors W Zhang, A Al-Khalidi, J Figueiredo, QRA Al-Taai, E Wasige, RH Hadfield Nanomaterials 11 (6), 1590, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Brain-inspired nanophotonic spike computing: challenges and prospects B Romeira, R Adão, JB Nieder, Q Al-Taai, W Zhang, RH Hadfield, ... Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 3 (3), 033001, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Tunable presynaptic weighting in optoelectronic spiking neurons built with laser-coupled resonant tunneling diodes W Zhang, M Hejda, E Malysheva, QRA Al-Taai, J Javaloyes, E Wasige, ... Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56 (8), 084001, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Optically-triggered deterministic spiking regimes in nanostructure resonant tunnelling diode-photodetectors QRA Al-Taai, M Hejda, W Zhang, B Romeira, JML Figueiredo, E Wasige, ... Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 3 (3), 034012, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Thick film hydrogen silsesquioxane planarization for passive component technology associated with electronic-photonic integrated circuits A Al-Moathin, L Hou, A Ofiare, J Wang, S Ye, C Li, JH Marsh Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 37 (6), 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
EML Based on Identical Epitaxial Layer, Side-Wall Grating and HSQ Planarization A Al-Moathin, S Watson, S Tang, S Ye, E Di Gaetano, QRA Al-Taai, ... IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 34 (6), 317-320, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Nonlinear properties of olive oil films doped with poly (methyl methacrylate), polystyrene and their blend by using z-scan technique AF Jaffar, IN Akram, AM Salman, QA Al-Taai International Journal, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Resonant Tunnelling Diode–Photodetectors for spiking neural networks J Lourenco, QR Al-Taai, A Al-Khalidi, E Wasige, J Figueiredo Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2407 (1), 012047, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Characterization of a compact wideband microwave metasurface lens for cryogenic applications A Al-Moathin, M Zhong, Q Al-Taai, Y Jiang, M Farage, MZ Ali, ... 2023 101st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), 1-4, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Towards an excitable microwave spike generator for future neuromorphic computing Q Al-Taai, R Morariu, J Wang, A Al-Khalidi, A Al-Moathin, B Romeira, ... 2021 16th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 386-389, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Ohmic contacts optimisation for high-power InGaAs/AlAs double-barrier resonant tunnelling diodes based on a dual-exposure E-beam lithography approach D Cimbri, N Weimann, QRA Al-Taai, A Ofiare, E Wasige International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials 14, 11-19, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
EML based on lumped configuration, identical epitaxial layer and HSQ planarization A Al-Moathin, L Hou, E Di Gaetano, JH Marsh 2020 International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies (UCET), 1-4, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Novel electroabsorption modulator design based on coplanar waveguide configuration A Al-Moathin, L Hou, JH Marsh 2019 12th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimeter Waves and Terahertz …, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Photobleaching Influence in Different Phases for Coumarin 307 and Acriflavine Laser Dyes BTC Al-Khfaji, AJH Al-Wattar, QRA Al-Taai, MHT Al-Hafidh, NA Ali, ... Journal of Physical Science and Application 3 (2), 65, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
Traveling-wave electroabsorption modulated laser based on identical epitaxial layer scheme and HSQ planarization A Al-Moathin, C Li, J Wang, QRA Al-Taai, I Eddie, S Ye, L Hou, S Thoms, ... The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, ci_5_4, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Analysis of stability of nano-vs micro-sized resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) devices for future neuromorphic computing applications QRA Al-Taai, J Wang, R Morariu, A Ofiare, A Al-Khalidi, E Wasige International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials 14, 149-155, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Tunable optoelectronic neuromorphic synaptic link based on nanoscale resonant tunnelling diode-photodetector spiking neurons W Zhang, M Hejda, QRA Al-Taai, B Romeira, J Figueiredo, E Wasige, ... European Quantum Electronics Conference, jsiii_5_5, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Speed limitations of resonant tunneling diode-based photodetectors S Alomari, Q Al-Taai, M Elksne, A Al-Khalidi, E Wasige, J Figueiredo Optics Express 31 (11), 18300-18317, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Novel Design for Electroabsorption Modulator Based on Microstrip Transmission Line Technology A Al-Moathin, C Li, L Hou, JH Marsh | 1 | 2021 |