Synthesis and investigation of nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor ZnS nanoparticles Z Dehghani, S Nazerdeylami, E Saievar-Iranizad, MHM Ara Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72 (9), 1008-1010, 2011 | 104 | 2011 |
Synthesis and photoluminescent and nonlinear optical properties of manganese doped ZnS nanoparticles S Nazerdeylami, E Saievar-Iranizad, Z Dehghani, M Molaei Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (1), 108-111, 2011 | 70 | 2011 |
Dominant recombination mechanism in perovskite solar cells: A theoretical study S Nazerdeylami Solar Energy 206, 27-34, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Influence of exponential tail states on photovoltaic parameters and recombination of bulk heterojunction organic solar cells: an optoelectronic simulation S Nazerdeylami, HR Dizaji Optical and Quantum Electronics 48, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Optical properties of synthesized nanoparticles ZnS using methacrylic acid as the capping agent S Nazerdeylami, E Saievar_Iranizad, M Molaei International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 5, 127-133, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
A theoretical study of influence of charge carrier mobility in PTB7:PC71BM bulk heterojunction organic solar cells S Nazerdeylami, HR Dizaji Optical and Quantum Electronics 48, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Theoretical studies on the influence of graphene layers as an anode on the performance of P3HT: PC61BM and PTB7: PC71BM bulk heterojunction organic solar cells S Nazerdeylami, HR Dizaji Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27, 10592-10599, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Effect of active layer thickness on characteristics of P3HT: PCBM based organic solar cells S Nazerdeylami, H Dizaji 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Tarbiat Modares …, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Consideration of the nature of science in a modern physics Course F Arbabifar, S Nazerdeylami Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2727, 2024 | | 2024 |
Teaching Modern Physics Based on Nature of Science Approach F Arbabifar, S Nazerdeylami Research in Experimental Science Education 1 (1), 27-34, 2021 | | 2021 |
تدریس درس فیزیک جدید به دانشجویان با رویکرد مبتنی بر استفاده از ماهیت علم اربابی فر, ناظر دیلمی پژوهش در آموزش علوم تجربی 1 (1), 27-34, 2021 | | 2021 |
ملع تیهام زا هدافتسا رب ینتبم درکیور اب نایوجشناد هب دیدج کیزیف سرد سیردت★ F Arbabifar, S Nazerdeylami | | 2021 |
Comparison between Optical Performance of Nanostructured Organic Solar Cell based on P3HT:PCBM & PCPDTBT:PCBM S Nazerdeylami, HR Dizaji | | 2015 |