Some classes of difference sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers defined by Orlicz function BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
Advances in Fuzzy systems 2011 (1), 216414, 2011
61 2011 THE SEQUENCE SPACE M (M, PHI, NM, P) F BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
41 2008 On a class of n-normed sequences related to the ℓp-space BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat 31 (1), 167-173, 2013
22 2013 Statistically convergent difference sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers defined by Orlicz function BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
Thai Journal of Mathematics 11 (2), 357-370, 2013
11 2013 On Strongly Almost Lacunary Statistical 𝐴-Convergence Defined by a Musielak-Orlicz Function E Savaş, S Borgohain
Filomat 30 (3), 689-697, 2016
7 2016 Some new spaces of lacunary f-statistical A-convergent sequences of order α E Savas, S Borgohain
AIP Conference Proceedings 1676 (1), 2015
4 2015 Strongly almost lacunary I-convergent sequences A Kiliçman, S Borgohain
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013, 2013
4 2013 Difference sequence space m (M,ø,Äm n,p ) F of fuzzy real numbers BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 13 (4), 577-586, 2008
4 2008 Note on -statistical convergence S Borgohain, E Savas
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.05451, 2015
3 2015 Some New Classes of Generalized Difference Strongly Summable n ‐Normed Sequence Spaces Defined by Ideal Convergence and Orlicz Function A Kılıçman, S Borgohain
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (1), 621383, 2014
3 2014 Sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers using fuzzy metric BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 54 (1), 11-22, 2014
3 2014 On new f-statistical convergence in probabilistic normed spaces S Borgohain
New Trends in Mathematical Sciences 6 (3), 181, 2018
2 2018 Some new lacunary statistical convergence with ideals A Kilicman, S Borgohain
Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2017 (1), 15, 2017
2 2017 Generalized difference Cesaro sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers defined by Orlicz functions BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.05453, 2015
2 2015 Sequence Space m(M, φ)F of Fuzzy Real Numbers Defined by Orlicz Functions with Fuzzy Metric BC Tripathy, S Borgohain
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 53 (3), 319-332, 2013
2 2013 Spaces of Generalized difference Lacunary I-convergent sequences A Kiliçman, S Borgohain
New Trends in Mathematical Sciences 3 (3), 11, 2015
1 2015 Generalized difference strongly summable sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers defined by ideal convergence and Orlicz function A Kılıçman, S Borgohain
Advances in Difference Equations 2013, 1-10, 2013
1 2013 Some Tauberian conditions on logarithmic density A Kılıçman, S Borgohain, M Küçükaslan
Advances in Difference Equations 2019, 1-9, 2019
2019 On lambda-statistical convergence using f-density S Borgohaina
General Letters in Mathematics (GLM) 7 (2), 2019
2019 Some new -lacunary statistical convergence A Kılıçman, S Borgohain
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.06781, 2016