Deglaciation of fennoscandia AP Stroeven, C Hättestrand, J Kleman, J Heyman, D Fabel, O Fredin, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 91-121, 2016 | 685 | 2016 |
Fennoscandian palaeoglaciology reconstructed using a glacial geological inversion model J Kleman, C Hättestrand, I Borgström, A Stroeven Journal of glaciology 43 (144), 283-299, 1997 | 450 | 1997 |
Frozen-bed Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum J Kleman, C Hättestrand Nature 402 (6757), 63-66, 1999 | 363 | 1999 |
Preservation of landforms under ice sheets and ice caps J Kleman Geomorphology 9 (1), 19-32, 1994 | 341 | 1994 |
The glacial geomorphology and Pleistocene history of South America between 38 S and 56 S NF Glasser, KN Jansson, S Harrison, J Kleman Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (3-4), 365-390, 2008 | 287 | 2008 |
Pattern and magnitude of deforestation in the South Central Rift Valley region of Ethiopia G Dessie, J Kleman Mountain research and development 27 (2), 162-168, 2007 | 276 | 2007 |
Landscape preservation under Fennoscandian ice sheets determined from in situ produced< sup> 10</sup> Be and< sup> 26</sup> Al D Fabel, AP Stroeven, J Harbor, J Kleman, D Elmore, D Fink Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201 (2), 397-406, 2002 | 271* | 2002 |
Preglacial surface remnants and Quaternary glacial regimes in northwestern Sweden J Kleman, AP Stroeven Geomorphology 19 (1-2), 35-54, 1997 | 228 | 1997 |
Reconstruction of palaeo‐ice sheets: the use of geomorphological data J Kleman, I Borgström Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21 (10), 893-909, 1996 | 219 | 1996 |
The subglacial thermal organisation (STO) of ice sheets J Kleman, NF Glasser Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (5-6), 585-597, 2007 | 213 | 2007 |
Catastrophic ice shelf breakup as the source of Heinrich event icebergs CL Hulbe, DR MacAyeal, GH Denton, J Kleman, TV Lowell Paleoceanography 19 (1), 2004 | 196 | 2004 |
Patterns of Quaternary ice sheet erosion and deposition in Fennoscandia and a theoretical framework for explanation J Kleman, AP Stroeven, J Lundqvist Geomorphology 97 (1-2), 73-90, 2008 | 193 | 2008 |
North American Ice Sheet build-up during the last glacial cycle, 115–21 kyr J Kleman, K Jansson, H De Angelis, AP Stroeven, C Hättestrand, G Alm, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (17-18), 2036-2051, 2010 | 180 | 2010 |
The Palimpsest Glacial Landscape in Northwestern Sweden. Late Weichselian deglaciation landforms and traces of older west-centered ice sheets J Kleman Geografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical Geography, 305-325, 1992 | 178 | 1992 |
Ribbed moraine formation C Hättestrand, J Kleman Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (1), 43-61, 1999 | 155 | 1999 |
Репродуктивное здоровье женщин после хирургического лечения гинекологических заболеваний ВЕ Радзинский, АО Духин, ИН Костин Акушерство и гинекология, 51-54, 2006 | 148 | 2006 |
Evolution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation in response to changing ice sheets over the last glacial cycle M Löfverström, R Caballero, J Nilsson, J Kleman Climate of the Past 10 (4), 1453-1471, 2014 | 139 | 2014 |
Glacial land forms indicative of a partly frozen bed J Kleman, I Borgstroem Journal of Glaciology 40 (135), 255-264, 1994 | 136 | 1994 |
The boulder fields of Mt. Fulufjället, west-central Sweden: Late Weichselian boulder blankets and interstadial periglacial phenomena J Klemån, I Borgström Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 72 (1), 63-78, 1990 | 136 | 1990 |
Reconstruction of palaeo‐ice sheets‐Inversion of their glacial geomorphological record J Kleman, C Hättestrand, AP Stroeven, KN Jansson, H De Angelis, ... Glacier science and environmental change, 192-198, 2006 | 135 | 2006 |