Navik Kholili
Navik Kholili
Universitas Wijaya Putra
Zweryfikowany adres z uwp.ac.id - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Effect of Butanol-Gasoline Blend Toward Performance Matic-Transmission Applied in Single Cylinder Capacity Engine
G Setyono, D Khusna, N Kholili, LP Sanjaya, FGA Putra
Infotekmesin 14 (1), 28-34, 2023
Investigasi Efek Debit Fluida Dan Karakteristik Pembebanan Disk Valve Terhadap Performa Water Hammer
D Khusna, G Setyono, S Siswadi, S Riyadi, N Kholili, A Nugroho
Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation 1 (02), 38-43, 2022
The Impact of Utilization The Solar-Panels With a Cooling-Water System as a Source of Micro-Power Generation
G Setyono, N Kholili, Y Rakhmadanu
Infotekmesin 13 (1), 87-92, 2022
Peningkatan Produktifitas UKM Lontong dengan TTG SS 316 L Di Desa Hulaan Menganti Gresik
N Kholili, MH Abdullah
Humanism: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (1), 67-75, 2021
Effects of axial jet-to-wall distance on flow behavior and heat transfer of a wall jet at low reynolds number
MD Le, CM Hsu, N Kholili, SH Lu
2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM), 73-76, 2018
Investigation of Exhaust Emissions Combustion Characteristics in Single Spark Ignition-Engine Matic with Butanol-Gasoline Mixture
G Setyono, D Khusna, N Kholili, LP Sanjaya, FGA Putra
Infotekmesin 14 (2), 273-279, 2023
PKM Pengolahan Limbah Tahu Berbasis Eco Friendly Manufacturing Dan Green Energy Pada UKM Tahu Kediri
A Hindratmo, N Kholili, AK Dianto
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate …, 2022
Implementasi Minyak Wijen Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif Untuk Kendaraan Matic Terhadap Pelaku Bengkel Di Sambi Kerep Surabaya
G Setyono, N Kholili, D Khusna
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) 1 (02), 35-39, 2022
Combustion Conduct Of A Single-Cylinder Spark-Ignition Affected By Ethanol Fuel Mixtures of Supplement Hydroxy Gas (HHO)
N Kholili, G Setyono
Jurnal Teknik Mesin 14 (2), 125-129, 2021
Perancangan mesin cacah sampah organik dan non-organik yang otomatis berbasis ergonomis dengan metode qfd dan antropometri
N Kholili, A Hindratmo, A Nugroho
The 4th Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology …, 2021
Penerapan Metode Quality Function Deployment dan Antropometri dalam Perancangan Desain Mesin Cacah Sampah Organik dan Non Organik
N Kholili, A Hindratmo, A Nugroho
Journal of Research and Technology 7 (2), 163-174, 2021
Identifikasi Ketebalan Cat Dies Frame Speaker Metode Pengukuran Dimensi After & Before
M Muchid, N Kholili, K Hariyanto
Jurnal Instek (Informatika Sains Dan Teknologi) 6 (2), 208-217, 2021
Penyuluhan Peran Butanol Sebagai Biofuel Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bagi Pelaku Bengkel Di Sidoarjo
S Raharjo, M Muharom, G Setyono, A Nugroho, N Kholili, M Muchid
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) 2 (02), 102-107, 2023
Preventive GERD dengan education stress management selama pandemi Covid-19 di Manukan Surabaya
N Jannah, YE Muliatie, N Kholili
PKM-CSR 4, 550-557, 2021
Investigation on Exhaust Emission and Performance of SI-Matic Engine Applied Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) Fuel Mixtures
G Setyono, N Kholili, GA Kurniawan, DS Pratama
Infotekmesin 15 (1), 128-134, 2024
Design Of A Semi-Automatic Bread-Making Machine Including Medium Capacity With A Variety Of Baking Temperatures
HBLB Leyn, S Riyadi, S Siswadi, D Khusna, M Muharom, W Nugroho, ...
Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation 2 (02), 148-153, 2023
Efforts To Increase Tempe Slicing Capacity Through The Implementation Of Appropriate Technology Machines For MSMEs In West Surabaya
T Pratomo, M Muharom, N Kholili, A Nugroho, M Muchid, D Khusna
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) 2 (01), 66-71, 2023
Design Of A Heating System In A Plastic Injection Molding Machine With A Working Temperature Of 250 C
AFD Bagas, M Muharom, M Muchid, A Nugroho, N Kholili
Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation 2 (01), 100-105, 2023
Perancangan desain penerapan double reaktor pada mesin pirolisis untuk pembakaran sampah plastik
N Kholili, S Siswadi, A Hindratmo
Jurnal Tecnoscienza 7 (2), 352-365, 2023
Enhancing the Efficiency of 100 WP Solar Panels with the Active Method of Circulating Cooling Water System
G Setyono, I Hidayad, M Siswadi, S Riyadi, A Nugroho, N Kholili, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and …, 2023
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