Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Naoufel CheikhrouhouWięcej informacji
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 20
Designing a food supply chain for enhanced social sustainability in developing countries
DG Mogale, A Ghadge, N Cheikhrouhou, MK Tiwari
International journal of production research 61 (10), 3184-3204, 2023
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Evaluating demand forecasting models using multi-criteria decision-making approach
Y Badulescu, AP Hameri, N Cheikhrouhou
Journal of advances in management research 18 (5), 661-683, 2021
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
An Empirical Study on Human and Information Technology Aspects in Collaborative Enterprise Networks.
N Cheikhrouhou, M Pouly, C Huber, AK Choudhary
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 17 (2), 203-223, 2011
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Sustainable partner selection for collaborative networked organisations with risk consideration in the context of COVID-19
Y Badulescu, AP Hameri, N Cheikhrouhou
Journal of global operations and strategic sourcing 15 (2), 197-218, 2022
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Simultaneous allocation of buffer capacities and service times in unreliable production lines
K Kassoul, N Cheikhrouhou, N Zufferey
International journal of production research 62 (3), 644-664, 2024
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Blockchain adoption challenges in the healthcare sector: a waste management perspective
S Dhingra, RD Raut, VS Yadav, N Cheikhrouhou, BKR Naik
Operations management research, 1-19, 2023
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
A framework for an open education supply chain network
B Class, F Soulikhan, S Favre, N Cheikhrouhou
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2021
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
A framework integrating internet of things and blockchain in clinical trials reverse supply chain
Y Badulescu, N Cheikhrouhou
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2021
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
An experimental study of the relationship between trust and inventory replenishment in triadic supply chain
A Kaboli, N Cheikhrouhou, M Darvish, R Glardon
Proceedings of the POMS world conference 2, 5, 2012
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
MCDM approach to select IoT devices for the reverse logistics process in the Clinical Trials supply chain
Y Badulescu, MK Tiwari, N Cheikhrouhou
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10), 43-48, 2022
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Equilibrium analysis in multi-echelon supply chain with multi-dimensional utilities of inertial players
G Panchal, V Jain, N Cheikhrouhou, M Gurtner
Journal of revenue and pricing management 16, 417-436, 2017
Upoważnienia: A*Star, Singapore
To be more independent or more dependent? The evolution mechanism of co-innovation between digital platforms and content creators
K Yan, E Xia, D Konstantas, N Cheikhrouhou, J Huang
Journal of the operational research society 74 (8), 1925-1939, 2023
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Leveraging openness for refugees' higher education: A freiran perspective to foster open cooperation
B Class, T Agagliate, A Akkari, N Cheikhrouhou, M Sagayar
Open praxis 15 (1), 49-59, 2023
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Innovation and quality in web-based data collection
S Steinmetz, A Slavec, K Tijdens, UD Reips, P De Pedraza, A Popescu, ...
International Journal of Internet Science 9 (1), 64-71, 2014
Upoważnienia: European Commission
Adaptive dynamic jumping particle swarm optimization for buffer allocation in unreliable production lines
K Kassoul, N Cheikhrouhou, N Zufferey
IEEE Access 11, 90410-90420, 2023
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Joint Allocation of Buffer Sizes and Service Times in Unreliable Assembly-Disassembly Systems
K Kassoul, N Cheikhrouhou
IEEE Access, 2024
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Time inconsistency in sustainable partner selection for vertical collaborative network organizations
Y Badulescu, E Soltan, AP Hameri, N Cheikhrouhou
IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing 6 (1), e12096, 2024
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
The Impact of Trust on Inventory Replenishment Decision and Extended Inventory
A Kaboli, N Cheikhrouhou, R Glardon, M Gholam-Rezaee
Available at SSRN 2372725, 2013
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Measuring Trust in Decentralized Supply Chain
A Kaboli, N Cheikhrouhou, R Glardon, CL Tucci
Available at SSRN 2372747, 2013
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
Inventory Replenishment Decisions Under Continuous Review System
A Kaboli, N Cheikhrouhou, R Glardon
Available at SSRN 2372746, 2013
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
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