Neural-network-based robust optimal control design for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems via adaptive dynamic programming D Wang, D Liu, H Li, H Ma
Information Sciences 282, 167-179, 2014
166 2014 Neural-network-based distributed adaptive robust control for a class of nonlinear multiagent systems with time delays and external noises H Ma, Z Wang, D Wang, D Liu, P Yan, Q Wei
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 46 (6), 750-758, 2015
157 2015 An approximate optimal control approach for robust stabilization of a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with uncertainties D Wang, D Liu, H Li, B Luo, H Ma
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 46 (5), 713-717, 2015
156 2015 On Mixed Data and Event Driven Design for Adaptive-Critic-Based Nonlinear Control D Wang, C Mu, D Liu, H Ma
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (4), 993-1005, 2017
144 2017 Data-driven controller design for general MIMO nonlinear systems via virtual reference feedback tuning and neural networks P Yan, D Liu, D Wang, H Ma
Neurocomputing 171, 815-825, 2016
87 2016 Online approximate solution of HJI equation for unknown constrained-input nonlinear continuous-time systems X Yang, D Liu, H Ma, Y Xu
Information Sciences 328, 435-454, 2016
76 2016 Decentralized guaranteed cost control of interconnected systems with uncertainties: a learning-based optimal control strategy D Wang, D Liu, C Mu, H Ma
Neurocomputing 214, 297-306, 2016
58 2016 Multi-step heuristic dynamic programming for optimal control of nonlinear discrete-time systems B Luo, D Liu, T Huang, X Yang, H Ma
Information Sciences 411, 66-83, 2017
57 2017 Neural-network-based decentralized control of continuous-time nonlinear interconnected systems with unknown dynamics D Liu, C Li, H Li, D Wang, H Ma
Neurocomputing 165, 90-98, 2015
54 2015 Distributed control algorithm for bipartite consensus of the nonlinear time-delayed multi-agent systems with neural networks D Wang, H Ma, D Liu
Neurocomputing 174, 928-936, 2016
53 2016 Centralized and decentralized event-triggered control for group consensus with fixed topology in continuous time H Ma, D Liu, D Wang, F Tan, C Li
Neurocomputing 161, 267-276, 2015
52 2015 A neural-network-based online optimal control approach for nonlinear robust decentralized stabilization D Wang, D Liu, H Li, H Ma, C Li
Soft Computing 20 (2), 707-716, 2016
25 2016 Bipartite output consensus in networked multi-agent systems of high-order power integrators with signed digraph and input noises H Ma, D Liu, D Wang, B Luo
International Journal of Systems Science 47 (13), 3116-3131, 2016
23 2016 Adaptive tracking control of leader-following linear multi-agent systems with external disturbances H Lin, Q Wei, D Liu, H Ma
International Journal of Systems Science 47 (13), 3167-3179, 2016
21 2016 Constrained online optimal control for continuous-time nonlinear systems using neuro-dynamic programming X Yang, D Liu, D Wang, H Ma
Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, 8717-8722, 2014
13 2014 Adaptive dynamic programming for infinite horizon optimal robust guaranteed cost control of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems D Wang, D Liu, H Li, H Ma
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 2900-2905, 2015
10 2015 Output-based high-order bipartite consensus under directed antagonistic networks H Ma, D Liu, D Wang, H Li
2014 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents (IA), 16-21, 2014
8 2014 Connectivity preserved nonlinear time-delayed multiagent systems using neural networks and event-based mechanism H Ma, D Wang
Neural Computing and Applications 29 (9), 361-369, 2018
4 2018 Distributed algorithm for dissensus of a class of networked multiagent systems using output information H Ma, D Liu, D Wang, X Yang, H Li
Soft Computing 22, 273-282, 2018
4 2018 Continuous-time group consensus using distributed event-triggered control H Ma, D Wang, D Liu, C Li
2015 Seventh International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence …, 2015
4 2015