FIBROPAPILLOMATOSIS IN STRANDED GREEN TURTLES (CHELONIA MYDAS) FROM THE EASTERN UNITED STATES (1980–98): TRENDS AND … AM Foley, BA Schroeder, AE Redlow, KJ Fick-Child, WG Teas Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41 (1), 29-41, 2005 | 265 | 2005 |
Effects of Sand Characteristics and Inundation on the Hatching Success of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Clutches on Low-Relief Mangrove Islands in … AM Foley, SA Peck, GR Harman Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5 (1), 32-41, 2006 | 166 | 2006 |
Characteristics of a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) assemblage in northwestern Florida determined during a hypothermic stunning event AM Foley, KE Singel, PH Dutton, TM Summers, AE Redlow, J Lessman Gulf of Mexico Science 25 (2), 4, 2007 | 139 | 2007 |
Ecological regime shift drives declining growth rates of sea turtles throughout the West Atlantic KA Bjorndal, AB Bolten, M Chaloupka, VS Saba, C Bellini, ... Global Change Biology 23 (11), 4556-4568, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Fishery gear interactions from stranded bottlenose dolphins, Florida manatees and sea turtles in Florida, USA NM Adimey, CA Hudak, JR Powell, K Bassos-Hull, A Foley, NA Farmer, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 81 (1), 103-115, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Plasma Protein Electrophoresis of the Atlantic Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Carretta carretta JC Gicking, AM Foley, KE Harr, RE Raskin, E Jacobson Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 14 (3), 13-18, 2004 | 91 | 2004 |
Two herpesviruses associated with disease in wild Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) BA Stacy, JFX Wellehan, AM Foley, SS Coberley, LH Herbst, CA Manire, ... Veterinary Microbiology 126 (1-3), 63-73, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
Spirorchiidiasis in stranded loggerhead Caretta caretta and green turtles Chelonia mydas in Florida (USA): host pathology and significance BA Stacy, AM Foley, E Greiner, LH Herbst, A Bolten, P Klein, CA Manire, ... Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 89 (3), 237-259, 2010 | 84 | 2010 |
Neurological disease in wild loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta ER Jacobson, BL Homer, BA Stacy, EC Greiner, NJ Szabo, CL Chrisman, ... Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 70 (1-2), 139-154, 2006 | 84 | 2006 |
Temporal, spatial, and body size effects on growth rates of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Northwest Atlantic KA Bjorndal, BA Schroeder, AM Foley, BE Witherington, M Bresette, ... Marine Biology 160, 2711-2721, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
Post-nesting migrations and resident areas of Florida loggerheads A Foley, B Schroeder, S MacPherson Kalb, H., A. Rohde, K. Gayheart, and K. Shanker (compilers). Proceedings of …, 2008 | 76 | 2008 |
Characterizing watercraft‐related mortality of sea turtles in Florida AM Foley, BA Stacy, RF Hardy, CP Shea, KE Minch, BA Schroeder The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (5), 1057-1072, 2019 | 73 | 2019 |
Population studies of marine turtles in Florida Bay BA Schroeder, AM Foley Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and …, 1995 | 71 | 1995 |
Postnesting migratory behavior of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta from three Florida rookeries AM Foley, BA Schroeder, R Hardy, SL MacPherson, M Nicholas, ... Endangered Species Research 21 (2), 129-142, 2013 | 54 | 2013 |
Movement patterns of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Cuba and adjacent Caribbean waters inferred from flipper tag recaptures F Moncada, FA Abreu-Grobois, A Muhlia-Melo, C Bell, S Tröeng, ... Journal of Herpetology 40 (1), 22-34, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting habitat on low-relief mangrove islands in southwest Florida and consequences to hatchling sex ratios AM Foley, SA Peck, GR Harman, LW Richardson Herpetologica, 433-445, 2000 | 49 | 2000 |
Long-term behavior at foraging sites of adult female loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from three Florida rookeries AM Foley, BA Schroeder, R Hardy, SL MacPherson, M Nicholas Marine Biology 161, 1251-1262, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
In-water sea turtle monitoring and research in Florida: review and recommendations C Eaton, E McMichael, B Witherington, A Foley, R Hardy, A Meylan | 40 | 2008 |
Long-term resource use and foraging specialization in male loggerhead turtles M Pajuelo, KA Bjorndal, MD Arendt, AM Foley, BA Schroeder, ... Marine Biology 163, 1-11, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Assessing Karenia brevis red tide as a mortality factor of sea turtles in Florida, USA AM Foley, BA Stacy, P Schueller, LJ Flewelling, B Schroeder, K Minch, ... Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 132 (2), 109-124, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |