Consensus of linear multi-agent systems by distributed event-triggered strategy W Hu, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (1), 148-157, 2015
700 2015 Adaptive output-feedback control design with prescribed performance for switched nonlinear systems Y Li, S Tong, L Liu, G Feng
Automatica 80, 225-231, 2017
631 2017 Self-triggered consensus for multi-agent systems with zeno-free triggers Y Fan, L Liu, G Feng, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (10), 2779-2784, 2015
338 2015 Consensus of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems subject to aperiodic sampled-data and DoS attack D Zhang, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 49 (4), 1501-1511, 2018
333 2018 Fuzzy adaptive finite-time fault-tolerant control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems K Sun, L Liu, J Qiu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 29 (4), 786-796, 2020
331 2020 Output consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems by distributed event-triggered/self-triggered strategy W Hu, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 47 (8), 1914-1924, 2016
323 2016 Output consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with adaptive event-triggered control YY Qian, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (6), 2606-2613, 2018
292 2018 Leader–follower consensus of time-varying nonlinear multi-agent systems X Zhang, L Liu, G Feng
Automatica 52, 8-14, 2015
286 2015 Cooperative Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems by Event-Triggered Control W Hu, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2016
193 2016 Distributed formation control of nonholonomic vehicles subject to velocity constraints X Yu, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (2), 1289-1298, 2015
190 2015 Event-triggered robust adaptive fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems A Wang, L Liu, J Qiu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27 (8), 1648-1658, 2018
183 2018 Distributed event-triggered adaptive control for consensus of linear multi-agent systems with external disturbances YY Qian, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (5), 2197-2208, 2018
174 2018 Stability and Gain Analysis of Boolean Networks With Markovian Jump Parameters M Meng, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 4222-4228, 2017
167 2017 Event-based impulsive control of continuous-time dynamic systems and its application to synchronization of memristive neural networks W Zhu, D Wang, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 29 (8), 3599-3609, 2017
162 2017 Robust adaptive output feedback control to a class of non-triangular stochastic nonlinear systems Y Li, L Liu, G Feng
Automatica 89, 325-332, 2018
159 2018 A Memristive Multilayer Cellular Neural Network With Applications to Image Processing X Hu, G Feng, S Duan, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016
152 2016 Cooperative Control for Moving-Target Circular Formation of Nonholonomic Vehicles X Yu, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (7), 3448-3454, 2017
148 2017 Cooperative output regulation of linear multi-agent systems by intermittent communication: A unified framework of time-and event-triggering strategies W Hu, L Liu, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (2), 548-555, 2017
142 2017 Parameter convergence and minimal internal model with an adaptive output regulation problem L Liu, Z Chen, J Huang
Automatica 45 (5), 1306-1311, 2009
138 2009 Distributed average tracking of networked Euler-Lagrange systems F Chen, G Feng, L Liu, W Ren
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (2), 547-552, 2014
128 2014