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Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (5), 2008
883 2008 Thermodynamics and kinetics of cation ordering in MgAl2 O4 spinel up to 1600 °C from in situ neutron diffraction SAT Redfern, RJ Harrison, HSC O’Neill, DRR Wood
American Mineralogist 84 (3), 299-310, 1999
268 1999 Lamellar magnetism in the haematite–ilmenite series as an explanation for strong remanent magnetization P Robinson, RJ Harrison, SA McEnroe, RB Hargraves
Nature 418 (6897), 517-520, 2002
264 2002 Direct imaging of nanoscale magnetic interactions in minerals RJ Harrison, RE Dunin-Borkowski, A Putnis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (26), 16556-16561, 2002
237 2002 Vortex ferroelectric domains A Gruverman, D Wu, HJ Fan, I Vrejoiu, M Alexe, RJ Harrison, JF Scott
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (34), 342201, 2008
234 2008 Monetary policy rules for an open economy N Batini, R Harrison, SP Millard
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27 (11-12), 2059-2094, 2003
201 2003 Solar nebula magnetic fields recorded in the Semarkona meteorite RR Fu, BP Weiss, EA Lima, RJ Harrison, XN Bai, SJ Desch, DS Ebel, ...
Science 346 (6213), 1089-1092, 2014
193 2014 Resolving the origin of pseudo‐single domain magnetic behavior AP Roberts, TP Almeida, NS Church, RJ Harrison, D Heslop, Y Li, J Li, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (12), 9534-9558, 2017
188 2017 Dipolar magnetism in ordered and disordered low-dimensional nanoparticle assemblies M Varón, M Beleggia, T Kasama, RJ Harrison, RE Dunin-Borkowski, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1234, 2013
177 2013 Dynamical excitation and anelastic relaxation of ferroelastic domain walls in LaAlO 3 RJ Harrison, SAT Redfern, EKH Salje
Physical Review B 69 (14), 144101, 2004
172 2004 Off‐axis electron holography of magnetic nanowires and chains, rings, and planar arrays of magnetic nanoparticles RE Dunin‐Borkowski, T Kasama, A Wei, SL Tripp, MJ Hÿtch, E Snoeck, ...
Microscopy research and technique 64 (5‐6), 390-402, 2004
168 2004 A numerical study of the Schrödinger–Newton equations R Harrison, I Moroz, KP Tod
Nonlinearity 16 (1), 101, 2002
147 2002 The influence of transformation twins on the seismic-frequency elastic and anelastic properties of perovskite: dynamical mechanical analysis of single crystal LaAlO3 RJ Harrison, SAT Redfern
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 134 (3-4), 253-272, 2002
143 2002 The temperature dependence of the cation distribution in synthetic hercynite (FeAl2 O4 ) from in-situ neutron structure refinements RJ Harrison, SAT Redfern, HSC O’Neill
American Mineralogist 83 (9-10), 1092-1099, 1998
142 1998 Effect of chemical substitution on the Néel temperature of multiferroic G Catalan, K Sardar, NS Church, JF Scott, RJ Harrison, SAT Redfern
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (21), 212415, 2009
134 2009 Application of real-time, stroboscopic x-ray diffraction with dynamical mechanical analysis to characterize the motion of ferroelastic domain walls RJ Harrison, SAT Redfern, A Buckley, EKH Salje
Journal of Applied Physics 95 (4), 1706-1717, 2004
122 2004 Nanoscale haematite–ilmenite lamellae in massive ilmenite rock: an example of ‘lamellar magnetism’with implications for planetary magnetic anomalies SA McEnroe, RJ Harrison, P Robinson, F Langenhorst
Geophysical Journal International 151 (3), 890-912, 2002
118 2002 Nature and origin of lamellar magnetism in the hematite-ilmenite series P Robinson, RJ Harrison, SA McEnroe, RB Hargraves
American Mineralogist 89 (5-6), 725-747, 2004
111 2004 The effect of transformation twins on the seismic-frequency mechanical properties of polycrystalline Ca1−x Srx TiO3 perovskite RJ Harrison, SAT Redfern, J Street
American Mineralogist 88 (4), 574-582, 2003
98 2003 An improved algorithm for unmixing first‐order reversal curve diagrams using principal component analysis RJ Harrison, J Muraszko, D Heslop, I Lascu, AR Muxworthy, AP Roberts
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (5), 1595-1610, 2018
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