Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Hilde M HuizengaWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 5
Risky decision making in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A meta-regression analysis
TJ Dekkers, A Popma, JAA van Rentergem, A Bexkens, HM Huizenga
Clinical psychology review 45, 1-16, 2016
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
School-based intervention for childhood disruptive behavior in disadvantaged settings: A randomized controlled trial with and without active teacher support.
JM Liber, GM De Boo, H Huizenga, PJM Prins
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 81 (6), 975, 2013
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Multivariate normative comparisons for neuropsychological assessment by a multilevel factor structure or multiple imputation approach.
JA Agelink van Rentergem, NR de Vent, BA Schmand, JMJ Murre, ...
Psychological Assessment 30 (4), 436, 2018
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Predicting progression to Parkinson’s disease dementia using multivariate normative comparisons
JAA van Rentergem, NR De Vent, HM Huizenga, JMJ Murre, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 25 (7), 678-687, 2019
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Risicovol beslisgedrag bij ADHD: een metaregressie a na ly se
TJ Dekkers, JA Agelink van Rentergem, A Popma, A Bexkens, ...
Neuropraxis 20, 170-176, 2016
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 42
Neural correlates of expected risks and returns in risky choice across development
ACK Van Duijvenvoorde, HM Huizenga, LH Somerville, MR Delgado, ...
Journal of neuroscience 35 (4), 1549-1560, 2015
Upoważnienia: Swiss National Science Foundation
A meta-analytical evaluation of the dual-hormone hypothesis: Does cortisol moderate the relationship between testosterone and status, dominance, risk taking, aggression, and …
TJ Dekkers, van Rentergem, J. A. A., Meijer, B., Popma, A., Wagemaker, E ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 96, 250-271, 2019
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Effects of methylphenidate on executive functioning in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder across the lifespan: a meta-regression analysis
HGH Tamminga, L Reneman, HM Huizenga, HM Geurts
Psychological Medicine 46 (9), 1791-1807, 2016
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Dopamine agonists and the suppression of impulsive motor actions in Parkinson disease
SA Wylie, DO Claassen, HM Huizenga, KD Schewel, KR Ridderinkhof, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (8), 1709-1724, 2012
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Advanced Neuropsychological Diagnostics Infrastructure (ANDI): A normative database created from control datasets
NR de Vent, JA Agelink van Rentergem, BA Schmand, JMJ Murre, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1601, 2016
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Is (poly-) substance use associated with impaired inhibitory control? A mega-analysis controlling for confounders
Y Liu, WPM van den Wildenberg, Y De Graaf, SL Ames, A Baldacchino, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 105, 288-304, 2019
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health, National Health and Medical Research …
The factor structure of cognitive functioning in cognitively healthy participants: A meta-analysis and meta-analysis of individual participant data
JA Agelink van Rentergem, NR de Vent, BA Schmand, JMJ Murre, ...
Neuropsychology Review 30 (1), 51-96, 2020
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Decision-making deficits in ADHD are not related to risk seeking but to suboptimal decision-making: Meta-analytical and novel experimental evidence
TJ Dekkers, JA Agelink van Rentergem, HM Huizenga, H Raber, ...
Journal of Attention Disorders 25 (4), 486-501, 2021
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Uncertainty-driven regulation of learning and exploration in adolescents: A computational account
M Jepma, JV Schaaf, I Visser, HM Huizenga
PLoS computational biology 16 (9), e1008276, 2020
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Time-on-task effects in children with and without ADHD: depletion of executive resources or depletion of motivation?
TJ Dekkers, JA Agelink van Rentergem, A Koole, ...
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 26, 1471-1481, 2017
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Individual differences in adolescents’ willingness to invest cognitive effort: Relation to need for cognition, motivation and cognitive capacity
AW Kramer, ACK Van Duijvenvoorde, L Krabbendam, HM Huizenga
Cognitive Development 57, 100978, 2021
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale: Measurement invariance among adolescent boys and girls and relationships with anxiety and risk taking
LMS Dekkers, BRJ Jansen, E Salemink, HM Huizenga
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 55, 57-65, 2017
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Risk taking by adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A behavioral and psychophysiological investigation of peer influence
TJ Dekkers, A Popma, EJS Sonuga-Barke, H Oldenhof, A Bexkens, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 48, 1129-1141, 2020
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Decision-making deficits in adolescent boys with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): An experimental assessment of associated mechanisms
TJ Dekkers, HM Huizenga, A Popma, A Bexkens, JN Zadelaar, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 48, 495-510, 2020
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The importance of parental knowledge in the association between ADHD symptomatology and related domains of impairment
TJ Dekkers, HM Huizenga, J Bult, A Popma, BE Boyer
European child & adolescent psychiatry 30 (4), 657-669, 2021
Upoważnienia: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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