Chewing on it can chew you up: effects of rumination on triggered displaced aggression. BJ Bushman, AM Bonacci, WC Pedersen, EA Vasquez, N Miller Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (6), 969, 2005 | 685 | 2005 |
Displaced aggression is alive and well: a meta-analytic review. A Marcus-Newhall, WC Pedersen, M Carlson, N Miller Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (4), 670, 2000 | 631 | 2000 |
Understanding impulsive aggression: Angry rumination and reduced self-control capacity are mechanisms underlying the provocation-aggression relationship TF Denson, WC Pedersen, M Friese, A Hahm, L Roberts Personality and social psychology bulletin 37 (6), 850-862, 2011 | 480 | 2011 |
The displaced aggression questionnaire. TF Denson, WC Pedersen, N Miller Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (6), 1032, 2006 | 404 | 2006 |
A theoretical model of triggered displaced aggression N Miller, WC Pedersen, M Earleywine, VE Pollock Personality and Social Psychology Review 7 (1), 75-97, 2003 | 389 | 2003 |
The angry brain: Neural correlates of anger, angry rumination, and aggressive personality TF Denson, WC Pedersen, J Ronquillo, AS Nandy Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (4), 734-744, 2009 | 351 | 2009 |
The moderating effect of trivial triggering provocation on displaced aggression. WC Pedersen, C Gonzales, N Miller Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78 (5), 913, 2000 | 239 | 2000 |
The impact of rumination on aggressive thoughts, feelings, arousal, and behaviour WC Pedersen, TF Denson, RJ Goss, EA Vasquez, NJ Kelley, N Miller British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (2), 281-301, 2011 | 228 | 2011 |
Artificial surveillance cues do not increase generosity: Two meta-analyses SB Northover, WC Pedersen, AB Cohen, PW Andrews Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (1), 144-153, 2017 | 172 | 2017 |
Evolved sex differences in the number of partners desired? The long and the short of it WC Pedersen, LC Miller, AD Putcha-Bhagavatula, Y Yang Psychological Science 13 (2), 157-161, 2002 | 132 | 2002 |
Variation among developmental dyslexics: Evidence from a printed-word-learning task CE Bailey, FR Manis, WC Pedersen, MS Seidenberg Journal of experimental child psychology 87 (2), 125-154, 2004 | 111 | 2004 |
Children's drawings: A cross-cultural analysis from Japan and the United States SK La Voy, WC Pedersen, JM Reitz, AA Brauch, TM Luxenberg, ... School Psychology International 22 (1), 53-63, 2001 | 96 | 2001 |
Lashing out after stewing over public insults: The effects of public provocation, provocation intensity, and rumination on triggered displaced aggression EA Vasquez, WC Pedersen, BJ Bushman, NJ Kelley, P Demeestere, ... Aggressive behavior 39 (1), 13-29, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
The moderating effect of trigger intensity on triggered displaced aggression EA Vasquez, TF Denson, WC Pedersen, DM Stenstrom, N Miller Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (1), 61-67, 2005 | 90 | 2005 |
Kicking the (barking) dog effect: The moderating role of target attributes on triggered displaced aggression WC Pedersen, BJ Bushman, EA Vasquez, N Miller Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (10), 1382-1395, 2008 | 83 | 2008 |
Experimental effects of rumination styles on salivary cortisol responses TF Denson, EC Fabiansson, JD Creswell, WC Pedersen Motivation and Emotion 33, 42-48, 2009 | 72 | 2009 |
Are men and women really that different? Examining some of sexual strategies theory (SST)’s key assumptions about sex-distinct mating mechanisms WC Pedersen, A Putcha-Bhagavatula, LC Miller Sex Roles 64, 629-643, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
Men's and women's mating preferences: Distinct evolutionary mechanisms? LC Miller, A Putcha-Bhagavatula, WC Pedersen Current directions in psychological science 11 (3), 88-93, 2002 | 66 | 2002 |
Are you insulting me? Exposure to alcohol primes increases aggression following ambiguous provocation WC Pedersen, EA Vasquez, BD Bartholow, M Grosvenor, A Truong Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (8), 1037-1049, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Predicting 4-year graduation: Using social cognitive career theory to model the impact of prescriptive advising, unit load, and students’ self-efficacy S Bolkan, WC Pedersen, KN Stormes, B Manke Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 22 (4 …, 2021 | 54 | 2021 |