Daniel Höhmann
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Parliamentary questions as a control mechanism in coalition governments
D Höhmann, U Sieberer
West European Politics 43 (1), 225-249, 2020
When Do Female MPs Represent Women’s Interests? Electoral Systems and the Legislative Behavior of Women
D Höhmann
Political Research Quarterly 73 (4), 834-847, 2020
When Do Men Represent Women’s Interests in Parliament? How the Presence of Women in Parliament Affects the Legislative Behavior of Male Politicians
D Höhmann
Swiss Political Science Review 26 (1), 31-50, 2020
Shadow chairs as monitoring device? A comparative analysis of committee chair powers in Western European parliaments
U Sieberer, D Höhmann
The Journal of Legislative Studies 23 (3), 301-325, 2017
The effect of legislature size on public spending: evidence from a regression discontinuity design
D Höhmann
Public Choice 173 (3), 345-367, 2017
Male MPs, electoral vulnerability and the substantive representation of women's interests
D Höhmann, M Nugent
European Journal of Political Research 61 (3), 762-782, 2022
Complements or Substitutes? The Interdependence between Coalition Agreements and Parliamentary Questions as Monitoring Mechanisms in Coalition Governments
D Höhmann, S Krauss
Parliamentary Affairs 75 (2), 420-448, 2022
Political parties, issue salience, and the appointment of women cabinet members
D Höhmann
European Political Science Review 15 (1), 145-153, 2023
Electoral Rules and Partisan Control of Government: A Replication Study
D Höhmann, T Tober
The Journal of Politics 80 (1), 342-347, 2018
Do party system parameters explain differences in legislative organization? Fragmentation, polarization, and the density of regulation in European parliaments, 1945–2009
U Sieberer, D Höhmann
Party Politics 28 (4), 597-610, 2022
Frauen in politischen Spitzenämtern. Die Ernennung von weiblichen Ministern in die Landeskabinette der deutschen Bundesländer
D Höhmann
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11 (3), 391-416, 2017
Anwendungsbereiche und Auswirkungen der Stillhalteklausel im Assoziationsrecht der EU mit der Türkei
B Schröder, D Höhmann
Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Deutschen Bundestages. Az: WD …, 2011
Delegationsprobleme in Koalitionsregierungen. Ausschussvorsitzende als Instrument der gegenseitigen Kontrolle von Regierungsparteien in den deutschen Bundesländern
D Höhmann
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 593-617, 2017
Electoral Incentives, Critical Actors, and the Substantive Representation of Women in Parliament
D Höhmann
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Fakultät Sozial-und …, 2021
For women only? Politicians’ attitudes towards men’s role in gender equality representation
D Höhmann
West European Politics 48 (4), 740-766, 2025
Demystifying Publishing during the PhD: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
D Höhmann
Politics & Gender 19 (2), 636-641, 2023
Personality and political representation—How personality traits shape MPs' attitudes toward gender equality
D Höhmann, C Kroeber
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2024
Klüver, Heike, Hanna Bäck and Svenja Krauss. 2023. Coalition Agreements as Control Devices–Coalition Governance in Western and Eastern Europe: Oxford, Oxford University Press …
D Höhmann
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 17 (4), 461-465, 2023
Dem Laufgitter entkommen–Frauenforderungen im eidgenössischen Parlament seit 1950 Marlène Gerber Anja Heidelberger (Hrsg.) Zürich und Genf, Seismo Verlag (2021), 470 S., ISBN …
D Höhmann
Swiss Political Science Review 28 (1), 149-151, 2022
For the win! Male politicians are more likely to represent women’s interests if their re-election is at risk
D Höhmann
British Politics and Policy at LSE, 2021
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