Volterra and integral equations of vector functions M Vath
CRC Press, 2000
151 2000 Ideal spaces M Väth
Springer, 2006
81 2006 Fixed point theorems and fixed point index for countably condensing maps M Väth
75 1999 Nonstandard analysis M Väth
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
59 2007 Elemente der Funktionalanalysis: Vektorräume, Operatoren und Fixpunktsätze J Appell, M Väth
Springer-Verlag, 2012
52 2012 Topological Analysis: From the Basics to the Triple Degree for Nonlinear Fredholm Inclusions M Väth
Walter de Gruyter, 2012
38 2012 Integration Theory-A Second Course M Väth
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2002
38 2002 On the definition of eigenvalues for nonlinear operators P Santucci, M Väth
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 40 (1-8), 565-576, 2000
30 2000 Nonlinear spectral theory for homogeneous operators E Giorgieri
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 589-618, 2016
28 2016 Coincidence points of function pairs based on compactness properties M Väth
Glasgow Mathematical Journal 44 (2), 209-230, 2002
27 2002 Degree and global bifurcation for elliptic equations with multivalued unilateral conditions J Eisner, M Kučera, M Väth
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64 (8), 1710-1736, 2006
25 2006 An abstract Gronwall lemma and applications to global existence results for functional differential and integral equations of fractional order HAH Salem, M Väth
The Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 16 (4), 411-439, 2004
24 2004 Global solution branches and a topological implicit function theorem M Väth
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 186, 199-227, 2007
23 2007 Global bifurcation of the p-Laplacian and related operators M Väth
Journal of Differential Equations 213 (2), 389-409, 2005
23 2005 On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory J Appell, NA Erzakova, SF Santana, M Väth
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2004, 1-20, 2004
23 2004 On the Minimal Displacement Problem of -Lipschitz Maps and -Lipschitz Retractions onto the Sphere M Väth
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 21 (4), 901-914, 2002
23 2002 The existence of non-trivial bounded functionals implies the Hahn-Banach extension theorem WAJ Luxemburg, M Väth
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 20 (2), 267-279, 2001
23 2001 Bifurcation for a reaction–diffusion system with unilateral and Neumann boundary conditions M Kučera, M Väth
Journal of Differential Equations 252 (4), 2951-2982, 2012
22 * 2012 Function spaces with the Matkowski property and degeneracy phenomena for composition operators J Appell, N Guanda, M Vaeth
Fixed Point Theory 12 (2), 265-284, 2011
20 2011 Global bifurcation for a reaction-diffusion system with inclusions M Väth, J Eisner, M Šilhavý
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 28 (4), 373-409, 2009
20 2009