Recognition of emotional prosody and verbal components of spoken language: an fMRI study TW Buchanan, K Lutz, S Mirzazade, K Specht, NJ Shah, K Zilles, L Jäncke Cognitive Brain Research 9 (3), 227-238, 2000 | 637 | 2000 |
The emotional power of music: how music enhances the feeling of affective pictures T Baumgartner, K Lutz, CF Schmidt, L Jäncke Brain research 1075 (1), 151-164, 2006 | 537 | 2006 |
Cortical activations during the mental rotation of different visual objects K Jordan, HJ Heinze, K Lutz, M Kanowski, L Jäncke Neuroimage 13 (1), 143-152, 2001 | 456 | 2001 |
Cortical activations during paced finger-tapping applying visual and auditory pacing stimuli L Jäncke, R Loose, K Lutz, K Specht, NJ Shah Cognitive Brain Research 10 (1-2), 51-66, 2000 | 377 | 2000 |
A network for audio–motor coordination in skilled pianists and non-musicians S Baumann, S Koeneke, CF Schmidt, M Meyer, K Lutz, L Jancke Brain research 1161, 65-78, 2007 | 327 | 2007 |
The neural circuitry of a broken promise T Baumgartner, U Fischbacher, A Feierabend, K Lutz, E Fehr Neuron 64 (5), 756-770, 2009 | 284 | 2009 |
Scanning silence: mental imagery of complex sounds N Bunzeck, T Wuestenberg, K Lutz, HJ Heinze, L Jancke Neuroimage 26 (4), 1119-1127, 2005 | 200 | 2005 |
Focused and nonfocused attention in verbal and emotional dichotic listening: an FMRI study L Jäncke, TW Buchanan, K Lutz, NJ Shah Brain and language 78 (3), 349-363, 2001 | 191 | 2001 |
Extensive training of elementary finger tapping movements changes the pattern of motor cortex excitability S Koeneke, K Lutz, U Herwig, U Ziemann, L Jäncke Experimental brain research 174, 199-209, 2006 | 158 | 2006 |
Tapping movements according to regular and irregular visual timing signals investigated with fMRI K Lutz, K Specht, NJ Shah, L JaÈncke Neuroreport 11 (6), 1301-1306, 2000 | 141 | 2000 |
A parametric analysis of therate effect'in the sensorimotor cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis in human subjects L Jäncke, K Specht, S Mirzazade, R Loose, M Himmelbach, K Lutz, ... Neuroscience letters 252 (1), 37-40, 1998 | 139 | 1998 |
Asymmetry of cortical activation during maximum and convenient tapping speed K Lutz, S Koeneke, T Wüstenberg, L Jäncke Neuroscience letters 373 (1), 61-66, 2004 | 138 | 2004 |
Long-term training affects cerebellar processing in skilled keyboard players S Koeneke, K Lutz, T Wüstenberg, L Jäncke Neuroreport 15 (8), 1279-1282, 2004 | 136 | 2004 |
What can the monetary incentive delay task tell us about the neural processing of reward and punishment? K Lutz, M Widmer Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics, 33-45, 2014 | 134 | 2014 |
Limitation of physical performance in a muscle fatiguing handgrip exercise is mediated by thalamo‐insular activity L Hilty, L Jäncke, R Luechinger, U Boutellier, K Lutz Human brain mapping 32 (12), 2151-2160, 2011 | 128 | 2011 |
Bimanual versus unimanual coordination: what makes the difference? S Koeneke, K Lutz, T Wüstenberg, L Jäncke Neuroimage 22 (3), 1336-1350, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
Effects of an in-home multicomponent exergame training on physical functions, cognition, and brain volume of older adults: a randomized controlled trial M Adcock, M Fankhauser, J Post, K Lutz, L Zizlsperger, AR Luft, ... Frontiers in medicine 6, 321, 2020 | 122 | 2020 |
Fatigue‐induced increase in intracortical communication between mid/anterior insular and motor cortex during cycling exercise L Hilty, N Langer, R Pascual‐Marqui, U Boutellier, K Lutz European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (12), 2035-2042, 2011 | 108 | 2011 |
A network for sensory‐motor integration: What happens in the auditory cortex during piano playing without acoustic feedback? S Baumann, S Koeneke, M Meyer, K Lutz, L Jäncke Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1060 (1), 186-188, 2005 | 100 | 2005 |
Spinal opioid receptor‐sensitive muscle afferents contribute to the fatigue‐induced increase in intracortical inhibition in healthy humans L Hilty, K Lutz, K Maurer, T Rodenkirch, CM Spengler, U Boutellier, ... Experimental physiology 96 (5), 505-517, 2011 | 92 | 2011 |