Ethnic differentials of the impact of Family Planning Program on contraceptive use in Nepal SK Sharma, N Pratap, DR Ghimire Demographic Research 25, 837-868, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Contribution of Nepal’s free delivery care policies in improving utilisation of maternal health services H Bhatt, S Tiwari, T Ensor, DR Ghimire, T Gavidia International journal of health policy and management 7 (7), 645, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Prevalence of early marriage and its underlying causes in Nepal: a mixed methods study PC Bhattarai, DR Paudel, T Poudel, S Gautam, PK Paudel, M Shrestha, ... Social Sciences 11 (4), 177, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Lithological successions and some vertebrate fossils from the fluviolacustrine sediments of the Kathmandu Valley, central Nepal RB Sah, M Paudel, D Ghimire Nahson Bulletin 5 (6), 21-27, 1995 | 11 | 1995 |
Disparity in higher education: A case for Nepal J Upadhyay, S Tiwari, D Ghimire Contexts for Diversity and Gender Identities in Higher Education …, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Multipurpose tree species in rice-based farming systems in Chitwan, Nepal: a gender analysis approach. D Timsina, J Timsina, NN Joshi, DP Ghimire, F Thapa | 6 | 1996 |
Evaluation of the national early childhood development program S Karki, PN Aryal, S Acharya, M Dahal, J Upadhyay, D Ghimire, K Singh Kathmandu, Nepal: Oxford Policy Management Limited, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Participatory crop improvement: effect of farmers’ selection criteria on diversity of rice grown in uplands of Nepal S Subedi, UR Rosyara, BB Adhikari, BR Ojha, DP Ghimire, DD Dhakal, ... J. Agric. Res 49 (1), 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
The effect of COVID-19 on livelihood and food security: a rapid study in Nepal DR Ghimire Prithvi Academic Journal, 39-51, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Empowering women producers through value chain development in commercial vegetable farming for improved livelihood and food security DR Ghimire Journal of Forest and Livelihood 19 (1), 32-50, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Birth registration in Nepal: An assessment of progress based on two national surveys SK Sharma, DR Ghimire, D Adhikari, S Thapa PLOS Global Public Health 3 (1), e0000759, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Birth registration in Nepal: An assessment of progress based on two national surveys. PLOS Glob Public Health 3 (1): e0000759 SK Sharma, DR Ghimire, D Adhikari, S Thapa | 1 | 2023 |
CHaPter 5 DisParity in HiGHer eDuCation: a Case for nePal D Ghimire Contexts for Diversity and Gender Identities in Higher Education …, 2018 | | 2018 |
PERFORMANCE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS D PRASAD Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems and Governance Alternatives: Proceedings …, 2005 | | 2005 |
Comparative study of irrigation systems managed by indigeous and migrant communities in the East Rapti River Basin of Nepal DP Ghimire | | 2004 |
Agricultural Supply Response in Nepal During 1970-2000 YB Thapa, D Ghimire Economic Journal of Nepal 26 (4), 235-252, 2003 | | 2003 |
Food Demand Systems in Nepal During 1990s: An Initial Assessment YB Thapa, SN Shah, D Ghimire Economic Journal of Nepal 26 (2), 104-121, 2003 | | 2003 |
Growth performance of few multipurpose trees under different level of management practices on the rice based agro-forestry system F Thapa, K Gajurel, D Ghimire | | 1994 |
Volume 25-Article 27| Pages 837–868 Ethnic differentials of the impact of Family Planning Program on contraceptive use in Nepal SK Sharma, N Pratap, DR Ghimire | | |
Prithvi Academic Journal DR Ghimire | | |