Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Alan R De AshaWięcej informacji
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 7
Toe clearance when walking in people with unilateral transtibial amputation: effects of passive hydraulic ankle
L Johnson, AR De Asha, R Munjal, J Kulkarni, J Buckley
Upoważnienia: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
The effects of walking speed on minimum toe clearance and on the temporal relationship between minimum clearance and peak swing-foot velocity in unilateral trans-tibial amputees
AR De Asha, JG Buckley
Prosthetics and orthotics international 39 (2), 120-125, 2015
Upoważnienia: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Impact on the biomechanics of overground gait of using an ‘Echelon’hydraulic ankle–foot device in unilateral trans-tibial and trans-femoral amputees
AR De Asha, R Munjal, J Kulkarni, JG Buckley
Clinical Biomechanics 29 (7), 728-734, 2014
Upoważnienia: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Walking speed related joint kinetic alterations in trans-tibial amputees: impact of hydraulic'ankle’damping
AR De Asha, R Munjal, J Kulkarni, JG Buckley
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 10, 1-15, 2013
Upoważnienia: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Understanding adaptive gait in lower-limb amputees: insights from multivariate analyses
JG Buckley, AR De Asha, L Johnson, CB Beggs
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 10, 1-10, 2013
Upoważnienia: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
The effects of laterality on obstacle crossing performance in unilateral trans-tibial amputees
AR De Asha, JG Buckley
Clinical Biomechanics 30 (4), 343-346, 2015
Upoważnienia: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Spring-mass behavioural adaptations to acute changes in prosthetic blade stiffness during submaximal running in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users
CT Barnett, AR De Asha, TK Skervin, JG Buckley, RJ Foster
Gait & Posture 98, 153-159, 2022
Upoważnienia: Danish Council for Independent Research
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